October 3rd, 2009

[info]joeknows in [info]from_the_ashes

Who: Joe and anyone who wants to play.
What: Morning of first day jitters.
Where: The staff room.
When: Monday morning before classes.

Joe gets lost no less than four times between his rooms and the staff room, leaving him thankful that he accidentally woke up a full hour before he had to and couldn't get back to sleep. After twenty minutes wandering in a hall composed of doors that lead to no less than a dozen different bathrooms, from a stone hole in the floor to a luxurious suite decked in gold, he manages to stumble into the cozy room Patrick pointed out on their quick march through the castle.

Woofing out a relieved sigh, Joe flops down in one of the deep armchairs. The thought of having to leave the room and find his classroom is too much, so he settles for rifling through the pile of papers sent (rosters of students, maps, curriculum of professors past) and wondering what on earth he's going to teach the kids when they show up.