September 21st, 2009

[info]mfway in [info]from_the_ashes

Who: Mikey and William and Open!
Where: The Library
When: Monday lunchtime
What: An enquiry and an infestation

Mikey wondered, not for the first time, exactly what went through the minds of some of his students.

Half an hour ago he'd been happily lecturing on the second principal exception of Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration and it had all been absolutely fine. Okay there had been a few blank faces staring up at him and maybe it wasn't the most interesting part of their syllabus ever, but it hadn't really been boring enough to have merited the unsubtle passing of a book back and forth between two boys on the third row. And that would've been fine too, if annoying, but of course it hadn't been a copy of 'Saucy Tricks for Tricky Sorts' or an Appleby Arrows manual, it had been a small green book entitled 'Assassination for the Astute'.

He'd questioned them heavily once the lesson was over, but after they'd pleaded for the fourth time that they were only reading it because it 'was funny' he'd sent them away with only a detention each. He had been intending to do a lot worse but after having opened the book on a random page, he'd found it was a) written entirely in rhyming couplets b) referenced events he was pretty sure had never happened and c) spent four pages detailing the need to familiarise yourself with your victim's grooming routine before making a move.

A further peek at the index had revealed an odder still chapter listing including: I - Moving Towards Choosing, II - Breathing With the Deceasing, III - Darts From the Heart, IV - Entombment of the Procured One, and V - Celebratory Art.

His first instinct had been to Owl the Headmaster, but the more he'd thought about it the more he'd realised there was a possibility that the book was just a satire piece rather than an actual (and poorly-written) manual for murder. There was really only one person in the school who could tell him something like that though and so he had grabbed the book and marched to the Library.

"Hello?" he said, peering round a large set of bookshelves.

[info]lzzr in [info]from_the_ashes

[staff noticeboard]

To all:

Looking for someone - ANYONE - to cover my class tomorrow (Tuesday!) afternoon. I've got two free periods, so it's basically just my 6th year NEWT kids.

We can discuss a form of repayment if there're any takers.

- Lazzara