September 11th, 2009

[info]peteypan in [info]from_the_ashes

it's friday night and the mood is right

Who Anyone and everyone
What Staff party
When Eleven and any time after on Friday
Where Pete and Brendon's Magical Muggle Pool Ballroom

For the evening, they've given up on the dream of muggle accuracy and the whole thing is decked out magically; the pool is full, but the water glows for no apparent reason. Brendon has decked shit out with trees, there are portraits of jungle animals hung on the walls in various parts of the ~forest that make their applicable noises, and there's even a "beach" of pure white sand. The ceiling is charmed to look like the night sky, complete with a moon about half-full (just in case there are any werewolves in attendance whose biology might get confused), and there is a "cabana" of sorts with food and more alcohol than you can shake a stick at.

It's a casual affair and, despite Pete's careful wording on the invitation, the point, plain and simple, is to get wasted.

[OOC: basically a free for all where time is fluid and threads can be started all willy nilly!]

[info]brozencrantz in [info]from_the_ashes

pete & ryland || thursday night [backdated]

Ryland had all his shit done and was ready to go a half hour earlier than he actually needed to be. Not that he was nervous or anything, that would be ridiculous. Too ridiculous to entertain, even.

Instead, he ignored the whole Pete presenting at his door thing and went and knocked on Pete's door. He figured that, if nothing else, he could lay around and watch Pete get dressed. Which would not be a bad thing. Especially if it involved a lack of a shirt. Not to objectify or anything, but Pete was hot.

Really hot.