August 20th, 2009

[info]ashes__mod in [info]from_the_ashes

Owl to Professor Wentz

Professor Wentz,

It is my privilege to congratulate you on being chosen as Head of Gryffindor House for the upcoming school year, or until such time as you choose to resign or are asked to step down, which I trust will not be an issue. Your responsibilities will include guiding and advising the young people in your House, as well as safeguarding them against any threats. I also trust you will handle them with less dramatics than your own childhood recalls, and manage to keep them out of troublemaking scenarios, no matter how fondly you are filled with nostalgia. If you ever require help, Mr. Blackinton is also stationed near Gryffindor Tower and I’m sure he could be called upon in times of need. I have the utmost faith in your abilities.

Headmaster Schechter

P.S. I also assume you'll want to coach the Quidditch teams this year? It would be a shame if you didn't, there's no one else here with anything approaching your level of talent. Nothing brings Gryffindors in line like giving them someone they can respect and follow.

[info]ashes__mod in [info]from_the_ashes

Owl to Professor Saporta

Professor Saporta,

I would like to extend an offer of added responsibility to you, as the Head of Slytherin House. I realize that you have not been raised in this school and certain particulars of our Houses may be foreign to you, but you have the qualities of experience and leadership that these children will need, which I believe makes you the most suitable candidate. It may also be for the best that they are taken under the wing of someone raised without the House prejudice peculiar to this school in the past, although I suspect you will have the most trouble with the older students who remember the way things used to be before the war. I would recommend speaking with Mr. Smith for guidance if you should find yourself in difficulty, as he grew up in Slytherin House and may even know a good number of the returning students from his days here as a student himself. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about this appointment.

Headmaster Schechter