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callanabis [08 Sep 2011|10:24am]

here we are again, holdin hands.
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valcomstone when you're feelin' frisky [05 Sep 2011|04:49am]

what do my fellow nightbirds occupy themselves with? cartoons and some crafts are what i'm about.
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ayobabies, jusdanbieber it is. [28 Jul 2011|07:55am]

howsit, buddies? anything you cannot comprehend or just will not tolerate?
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lyssteric & fb bitches [18 Jul 2011|04:43pm]

reccommend me some awesome or awesomely bad netflix movies aaaand GO!!
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leahlost - im me! [10 Jul 2011|10:46pm]
i am so late on the LOST bandwagon but i just started season four today and i am SO frustrated! please tell me someone understands where i'm coming from. if not, you can tell me your favorite food and give me at least one book or song to check out.
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dark come riley [07 Jul 2011|09:31pm]

i'm riley and apparently i don't get out enough or even to the zoo so my favorite thing in the right world is this lovely gem ...what's your favorite time-wasting websites?
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callanabis if ye please [07 Jul 2011|08:53am]

tryin to decide which to do first (a) sheets back on bed (b) coffee (c)igarette (d) poop (e) watch the weather man
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callanabis fb [21 Jun 2011|10:16am]

list edible things you would eat off the ground let me go first a) cheerios b) blackberries
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of montremal / facebook [26 May 2011|03:31pm]

okay, admit it. who cried over oprah yesterday? if this doesn't apply to you, who would like to play words with friends?
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SammyPalmTree [28 Apr 2011|01:28am]

'lo! I'm Sam, and right now I'm in the UK packing to move to the US surviving the Royal Wedding Fever.

What will you lot be doing Friday to avoid it? Or will you be embracing it? I won't lie, I love Kate. I think Lady Di would have too.
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lezrachaun and fb [15 Feb 2011|08:55am]

hey guys i'm ezra. i just woke up and it's way too early to think so i'll ask something easy. what's your favorite drink?
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callanabis usually mobile what of it [14 Feb 2011|10:57am]

i demand the following comments be of the most obscene emoticon you have come into contact with (or created by thyself)
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hermaphbrodite & fb [12 Nov 2010|09:01am]

hey i'm brody. [info]poe suggested i post this because we all love when our iphones fuck with us. what's your favorite auto correct?
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Micah solo [14 Oct 2010|12:03am]

Hi I'm Micah and I miss my daughter so much but sadly I have to work. How's everyone else?
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calmosphere [13 Oct 2010|07:26am]

burnt toast is the woooooooooorst
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lyssteric & facebook is somewhere [11 Oct 2010|09:36pm]

hi i'm lyssa, show me your favorite cover songs right now
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colierthanthou [11 Oct 2010|12:42pm]

i'm cole, i'm sick and watching food network right now is legit making my stomach churn. how are you all doing today?

oh, and facebook. yeaaaaaah, buddy.
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say aaronthing [29 Sep 2010|11:48am]

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samogonSemyon [29 Aug 2010|03:51am]
It seems like I Just did this...probably because I did.

Hello. I am Semyon and it is too early for me to be witty.
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calmosphere tho i will accept triple digits in comment threads or you are all useless tins [18 Aug 2010|01:04pm]

i like pineapples.
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