Friend Space

Whalecome To FriendSpace!

August 2015

Hey there! Whalecome to FriendSpace! We are a Semi-AU Entertainment Roleplaying Community based upon a fictional website called 'FriendSpace' that is run by happy and friendly sea creatures that focuses on bringing members of the world together.

Now go find your friends and splash each other with happiness! Happy Splashing!

-The Happy and Friendly Whales of FriendSpace


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Apr. 15th, 2015



Untilted Entry

Okay. So. Social media wins yet again.

I'm Jensen Ackles. If you're older, you might remember me from Smallville, or a bit younger from Ten Inch Hero, or if you're fresh out of High School maybe Supernatural?

My house is in LA, California, but I spend a pretty big part of my life filming. A lot of that seems to happen in Canada that's faking as America. Yeah, go explain that to the masses.

Uh. I'm not good at this. So, I guess I'll leave it at that.

If you need me, #8675309

Apr. 13th, 2015



Example Intro!


Hi guys! My name is Humphry Whalington and yes, that was me on Star Trek IV!
Mr. Spock was so gentle with me. He made that movie a very enjoyable experience.
Acting is hard, but someone has to do it.

I'm about thirty in human years, and I haven't found a mate yet, but that's okay. There's plenty of fish in the sea, right? I love to sing and splash with my friends on the weekends and chase boats to see if they'll give me lunch. I eat a lot, but who doesn't love a good sushi lunch? I know I do!

I'm super excited to be here and meet everyone, so hopefully you'll be friends with me!

If you want to give me a call, you can do so here.
Let's have lunch sometime! I live off the coast of the United Kingdom. I'll pick the place, I know all the best spots.