Friend Space

Whalecome To FriendSpace!

August 2015

Hey there! Whalecome to FriendSpace! We are a Semi-AU Entertainment Roleplaying Community based upon a fictional website called 'FriendSpace' that is run by happy and friendly sea creatures that focuses on bringing members of the world together.

Now go find your friends and splash each other with happiness! Happy Splashing!

-The Happy and Friendly Whales of FriendSpace
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April 23rd, 2015


Hello, Internet!


Greetings to all of you! I've somehow managed to find the only safe orifice on the internet for us Internet geeks, so please excuse me whilst I ejaculate a little bit of both joy and relief into this first entry.

My name is Dan Howell, I'm 23 and my job is to make videos on YouTube, which really just reveal how incredibly humiliating my life is on a daily basis. I also have a radio show every Sunday which BBC Radio 1 have chosen to air, for some bizarre reason. Besides all of that, I am generally an overgrown emo looking weirdo who watches a lot of anime, drinks a lot of coffee and eats an exponential amount of cereal out of teacups.

I live in the glorious city of London, where it rains about 99% of the time but we are enjoying a very rare sunny spell; this clearly means that the end of the world is approaching. I am therefore seeking suitable time capsule planning buddies and, you know. General understanding in this cold, cruel world.

You can get in touch with me via 0800-DANISNOTANEMO and I will reply instantly! Because I promise that I won't be doing anything else at the time at all. It's quite sad.

Love to you all and can't wait to get socialising!