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Friday 5 (no. 13) [Nov. 12th, 2010|09:23 am]

(10 years ago)

1. What were your three favorite songs ten years ago?
2. Who were your best friends 10 years ago?
3. On this date 10 years ago where were you?
4. How old were you 10 years ago?
5. What were your weekends like 10 years ago?
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Friday 5 (no. 12) [Nov. 5th, 2010|07:42 am]

(Randomness 2)

1. Have you ever watched soap operas? If so do you have a favorite?

2. Favorite thing to have for breakfast?

3. Do you have a pet? If so what kind?

4. Favorite movie & TV show couples?

5. What's your guilty pleasure?

6. What was the last book you read and would you read it again?
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Friday 5 (no. 11) [Oct. 29th, 2010|01:08 pm]


1. Did you get an allowance as a kid, and if so, how much was it?

2. How old were you when you had your first job, and what was it?

3. Which do you do better: save money or spend money?

4. Are people more likely to borrow money from you, or are you more likely to borrow from them?

5. What's the most expensive thing you've ever bought?
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Friday 5 (no. 10) [Oct. 22nd, 2010|02:40 pm]

(Piercings and Tattoos)

1. How many tattoos and piercings do you have?

2. Did it hurt to get a tattoos done or get a piercing?

3. Do you think tattoos and piercings are sexy or disgusting?

4. Is there any tattoos or piercings you would want to get soon?

5. As a kid did you ever apply the Fruit Stripe gum tattoo that came with the gum?
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Friday 5 (no. 9) [Oct. 15th, 2010|11:09 am]


1. Who's your closest friends and how long have you known them?

2. Have you recently lost a friend, if so what happened?

3. Name 3 random facts about each of your closest friends:

4. Do you know your friend's parents well?

5. Do you have a friend you wish you could fix things with?


6. If you could be friends with any celebrity who would it be?
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Friday 5 (no.8) [Oct. 8th, 2010|02:43 pm]

(The Friday Five, Times Five)

1. Name 5 Family members:

2. Tell me 5 things about your life:

3. Name 5 activities you enjoy:

4. Name 5 material things you want for Christmas:

5. Name 5 friends:
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Friday 5 (no. 7) [Oct. 1st, 2010|10:30 am]


1. Are you a fan of the season?

2. Apple cider or caramel apples?

3. Do you carve pumpkins?

4. What's your favorite things about Autumn/Fall?

5. Are you planning on dressing up this year for Halloween?

6. Favorite horror movie?
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Friday 5 (no. 6) [Sep. 24th, 2010|01:24 pm]


1. Do you believe that tickets to the movie theaters are to high?

2. Last movie you saw in the theater?

3. Name a few new movies you want to see:

4. Favorite movie genre?

5. Last movie you rented?
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Friday 5 (no.5) [Sep. 17th, 2010|06:24 pm]


1) Who was your first crush? (Celebrity or Non-celebrity)
2) Who do you currently have a crush on now?
3) Have you ever become so obsessed with a crush, you went to extreme measures to find out everything about him/her?
4) Best moment with the best crush you had?
5) Did a best friend ever turn into more than just a friend?

6)What's your favorite flavor of CRUSH pop/soda?
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Friday 5 (no. 4) [Sep. 13th, 2010|03:25 pm]

(When You Were A Child)

1. Who was your best friend(s) when you were a kid?

2. We're you a girl scout or a brownie?

3. Favorite family vacation as a child?

4. What was your favorite Halloween costume when you were a kid?

5. What's the one thing you miss about being a kid?
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Friday 5 (no. 3) [Sep. 3rd, 2010|09:15 pm]


1. Is there anything you eat that other people would consider gross?

2. Favorite talk show host?

3. Favorite lifetime movie?

4. What's your favorite thing to wear to bed?

5. Is cheating ever okay?


6. What are your plans for the next week?
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Friday 5 (no. 2) [Aug. 27th, 2010|08:11 pm]

(Current Faves)

1. What's your 5 (current) favorite tv shows?

2. What's your 5 (current) favorite movies?

3. What's your 5 (current) Songs?

4. What's your 5 (current) favorite websites?

5. What's your 5 (current) foods/drinks?
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Friday 5 (no. 1) [Aug. 20th, 2010|05:28 pm]


1. Favorite thing about summer?

2. Any vacations coming up?

3. Popsickles or Ice Cream?

4. Least favorite thing about summer?

5. Best summer you've ever had?
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The Friday 5 [Aug. 16th, 2010|10:19 am]

Welcome to the updated version of FRIDAY 5!

It's a moderated membership but, if you want to participate in Friday 5 just add us and we'll add you back ASAP.

Also, if you want to submit questions send them to my email:
I promise to update every week with your submissions.

Have fun and enjoy the new friday 5 :)
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