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[29 Oct 2011|06:05am]
This is Meghan Lawrence, 23 years old, originally from Australia. She was going to school at Tulane in Louisiana when the outbreak happened, studding history and anthropology. She had plans to go into field research, but what she really loves to do is anything adventurous.

Meghan is a total adrenaline junkie. She's very competitive with it too, and is determined to run faster, jump higher, or swim farther than anyone else. Basically she'll do anything that gets her heart rate up, whether that's racing cars or getting into fights or jumping out of airplanes. She'll do anything for that thrill, anything that makes her sweat or panic. She did a lot of sports in school and was always getting suspended from games for hitting to hard. She never backs down from a challenge, especially when it means proving she can do something better than someone else, or something that no one's ever done before. She was also expelled for starting an illegal drag race. More of her history and facts are here.

When the outbreak happened, Meghan was actually thrilled. It was like target practice. She loves having a reason to shoot a gun and considers this like widespread target practice. For her, it's a game, and she wants to win. She's skilled with basically anything that she can shoot or hit something with, and is very good at driving cars fast. Currently she's working her way towards the safe zone, but I'd like to have her in contact with someone there. I'd love it if there was an American cousin or something like that for her to meet up with.

Other than that, she needs pretty much anything. A few friends, if there are any fellow Aussies out there she'd love to be in contact with them, and while she's not really one for romance it might be interesting to have something in that department for her to struggle with. Hit me with whatever you got!
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[29 Oct 2011|11:21pm]
So I know I've already done one of these, but now I have a little more to put in it than before.

Firstly, for those I've talked and played with, I'm sorry for my absense lately. Work has been kicking my butt and since I have two jobs it's been extra hard. However, after tomorrow I will have quit one of those jobs and will only have to deal with the other one. This means way more time to devote to online gaming and writing since I will have all evenings and all weekends free.

That said, if anyone is interested in anything with my guy, let me know and we'll brainstorm something awesome. Most of his details are in his bio. but what I'd especially like are some friends, perhaps someone he can play guardian angel for, so to speak. Friends or foes or anything, I'm up for it. I'd just love to get him more into play.
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