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[24 Oct 2011|12:06am]
Hi ya'll! Just added here with this boy. His name is Mitya Warren, younger brother of Misha Warren and I hear he has some other family members around here. I'd love family lines!

I'd also love friends, rivals, etc... whatever, throw anything at me! :)

Onto Mitya:

He's 26 years old and was aspiring to be a pro hockey player, almost reached his goal before the zombie outbreak. He's focused and does what he needs to do to survive and keep others alive, but getting close to him these days if you aren't close already is tough. He doesn't want anyone else he loves dying on him, so he tries to avoid adding people to his list of people he loves.

So yes! Hit me up, we'll work something out. :)
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[24 Oct 2011|12:10am]
Hello everyone. I figure it's time I post something in here as it's getting close to adds time and I'm working my butt off trying to finish this guys app.

He's a nice guy, all around, a little quiet, a little damaged, but a nice guy. He'll have just arrived at the safe zone, alone and driving a beat up truck. He's coming all the way from Jacksonville, Texas.

I'm not quite sure what to put in here, but the half-finished bio is in his journal. He could probably use some friends or at least people to talk to, but I'm open to pretty much anything that might be thrown at him.

Besides, brainstorming is fun.
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[24 Oct 2011|05:02am]
Hey everyone! This is Rohs O'Riley, sister of [info]avigale, [info]riels, and unknowingly the half-sister of [info]moriley. Rohs is originally from Chicago, but was at college in Pennsylvania when everything started going down. She's 19 and will be 20 in December, fairly intelligent, and highly sarcastic and cynical. She can definitely be a hard person to get along with at times because of her not so great attitude, but she's a highly social person and will talk to just about anyone. She's quick tempered and prone to fighting easily - which can suck for whoever she decides to unleash her anger on because she took Taekwondo and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu - but she's been trying to keep her anger in check and focused more at the zombies than anything else.

For most of her trip, she was alone, which wasn't the best experience for her. She would have arrived at the safe zone on October 12 and was pretty silent for the first couple of days as she had to sort through everything that had happened along the way (namely her decision to kill the man she was traveling with who was infected but not yet dead). Since then, though, she would have been doing whatever she could to stay busy and hopefully somewhat helpful to others. As far as lines go, I'd love to work something out with everyone who has already been in the safe zone. She also knows [info]sharrigan from her time in Pennsylvania so anyone who knows him would likely know her as well.

[24 Oct 2011|07:46am]
hey everyone, this is molly o'riley. she is 17 years old and before this saga began she was a high school senior, cheerleading captain, and in the midst of an affair with her creative writing teacher. that said, she has had some ups and downs prior to this in her life and though she is deathly afraid of zombies (and pretty much anything else that was ever rumored to go bump in the night) she is managing all right. before arriving in the safe zone molly found a dog and she kind of forced everyone she was traveling with ([info]watkin, [info]angelayoung & one other student from her high school) to be okay with her decision to keep him. i thought it would be nice (if not slightly heart breaking) for her to run into the dog's owner in the safe zone! other things i was hoping to find: an older woman who notices she is completely inept when it comes to combat who takes her under her wing and starts teaching her how to protect herself. maybe people she ran into on the way down, who she can reunite with and be so happy that they made it too...even though they barely ever knew each other. and i don't even know what else, basically everything, please! if you want me to just put up a thread and see how our characters will mesh i am totally down for that too! i don't really see her having enemies, but i am sure that there are people out there who don't like her for whatever reason. and she would be blissfully ignorant of it, so it might be fun!
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[24 Oct 2011|06:45pm]
Hey all. I'm more than likely bringing in Nina Dobrev, so I'll try to keep this short and sweet. Before the zombie break out she was an art teacher in Cambridge, Massachusetts. That location can be changed if the right line comes along. Knowing her father would be the most helpful this situation, she went to his place and they set up camp there for quite some time with one of her older brothers. Just before boarding up the walls, they went out to search for other family members. Her step-mother is dead (she was the one to kill her), her step-siblings and real mother are missing, and they've now lost contact with her other older brother. Finally hearing the radio single for the safe zone, they've packed up a jeep and started heading that way. I've already got her bio all written out, so other than where she is from, I don't really want to tweak anything.

I would love to have her older brother that the family has lost contact with. I'm thinking maybe phone towers went out in his area and that's why they can't get a hold of him. Then maybe someone she met online that she's been keeping in contact with? Whether they're on their way to the safe zone or already there. I'm also open to anything else that could possibly work for lines.
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[24 Oct 2011|07:53pm]
this is Eric Malmstrom, a 27 year old homeless vagabond who wandered around the country doing odd jobs for people before the zombie outbreak. He has never been the most stable of people, but as long as he doesn't get emotionally attached to anyone then he's fine.

He is also one of the ones that thought it would be pretty awesome if there was a zombie apocalypse, but now that it's happened, he's no longer sure. He's witnessed more death than he cares to admit, but thus far has not helped to protect anyone. He's very much a "me first" sort of man.

Bah! so he's a misanthropic asshole bastard, but he will do odd jobs for people. I'm looking for people that he might have worked for in the past, people he's crossed paths with on their way to the safe zone, and people that he's pissed off. Perhaps he had the chance to save someone's sibling, parent, or friend, but opted to save his own ass instead.
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