April 2024



April 12th, 2021



It is almost summertime and I am going to ask Jean Grey about possibly working summer school. All you other teachers at the school, how many of you are planning to work this summer?




You want to hang out?



Yo Negan, where you at?



I am 18 and I could live alone on this planet but since I arrived at the same time as my Aunt Ruthie she and I decided to share a place, with her two-year-old twins, too. What was I thinking? Just kidding Aunt Ruthie.

Hi people! I'm Savannah Kinkirk and as soon as I finish high school here I will be looking to become one of your newest police officers.



Huh. I guess it's never too late to discover new things about yourself. Even when they're things you kinda knew for years and just didn't want to admit.

Either way... I feel like maybe, just maybe, I took my first step toward healing today.



I know I'm not always the best person. I can be self-centered as hell, I've used a few too many women in a few too many ways... but volunteering at Open Arms is good for my soul.

I feel good about myself every time I help someone there.

Laura? Lito? Carmilla? All of you? Thank you for letting me be a part of this.

And to anyone considering going there for advice/comfort/guidance? You can come to me any time.



An odd question here... but do any other witches or magic-users feel as though their powers have improved since arriving here?

Perhaps it's just me... but I find my connection to magic so much more clear and unobstructed - it's as though I'm seeing it clearly for the first time in my life. And I love it.



Who: Wichita & Dr. Carly McDonald
What: The start of something
When: Sunday evening; April 11
Where: The End Zone in Freedomtown
Warnings: language

They're both in the mood for something different. )




In need of some sort of distraction because Babs told me I'm not allowed to go see the monsters.



No really, is there anyone here worth liking?