April 2024



August 3rd, 2019



Sent to Amber, Jamie and Isabel



Has anyone seen an Erin Calador? Apparently since I am under 18 I need a guardian in this place and she kindly offered when I contacted a random name at the Welcome Center. If you know her can you let her know I am in the park with a girl named Sally waiting for her? Thank you.

Oh, and hi, I am Jacob Black. Bella, are you really here? Nessie?



I've got a new plan for us here. Leverage and Associates, Intergalactic.

I can do my thing to find us clients all over the place. Parker, I'll bring them to you and you can pick the clients we want to help. Then we charter a ship to fly us where we need to go.

Boom. Brilliant, right?

How's my favorite kid today?

Just checking in. Everyone misbehaving? Parker, any explosions we should know about?




[ backdated to last night ]

Come get your boyfriend.



I just got here. My mother is not here, neither is either Coach O' Shea. Ice Box is not here. I do not know anyone. At least I was able to get guardians and not have to live on the streets.

Scott, Roberta, I am waiting at the Welcome Center for you both. Thank you for taking me in.

So, is there a pee wee football league around here? At least I can stay in practice for if I ever get home. I hope my mother is not worried about me.



[The Society household]

Just checking in to see how things are going.


How are you doing?


Hey mama. How are you and the little one settling in?

[Her kids]

I request a mom and sons day.


Breakfast date tomorrow?


So are you counting down to when school starts?



Great. Great. Yeah, this is just perfect. Just how I wanted to spend my time. Finally got settled, had everything we wanted, and just yank it away. Thanks for that.



The people and the material at the Welcome Center are very informative. Honestly, I'm just glad to be off that island and not have that virus in me that could cause me to mutate at any time.

Hello everyone, I'm Claire Redfield. I seem to be the first here from my world but there seem to be others here with similar backgrounds dealing with zombies and such. I look forward to getting to know all of you.



text post: mal

D3 spoilers )



I know just turned 18 but that doesn't mean I'm ready to be on my own yet. Mami is going to be worried. I need to get home.



Spoilers for Descendants 3 )



This... is a monumental day. A day which shall long be remembered as the beginning of a new era, and the beginning of a whole new phase in the lives of several people.

For today... I have finished putting together my first beginner's D&D campaign.

That's right... after weeks of toiling over how to make it challenging enough to hold Dustin's interest while also making it basic enough for Emme and Katrana (who've never played an RPG before), I have finally finished a majorly tweaked version of the "Dragon of Icespire Peak" campaign.

I go into this having already made a promise to Dustin that if his friend Mike ever gets sent here, either we find a way to Co-DM, or we alternate (Apparently Mike is one hell of a DM. Respect.).

Now I just have to get Wade to bring me a few supplemental things from Earth that I want to incorporate into the campaign (some Spellbook Cards, a few extra miniatures, etc), and this shindig is ready to roll! (See what I did there? "Roll"? Ah, nevermind.)