April 2024



October 15th, 2018



Bunker Residents

Role call!

I know a bunch of us went out there once those little things came into town, but we got separated. Is everyone OK?



Noah? JR? Omg please let me know if you're safe...



[Forward dated to morning]

This is the first birthday in my entire life that I'm not having breakfast with my mom. It's tradition and right now I'd give anything for her to embarrass me by loudly singing the Happy Birthday song as cake is put down in front of me. I miss that even though it always makes me want to hide under the table as she's doing it.




Please tell me you're okay!



Man this place is nightmare city lately. When will it stop?

I'm glad that thing didn't touch the Cortez.



I wish my brothers were here. We could have done so much more if we had almost a full circle.



I'm back?

Bea, where are you?



Friends and Extended Family

Peter, 'Yana, Kurt, Iliana...

Are you all ok and accounted for?

Is anyone somewhere they need help or for someone to help them get back to their homes?

As for me, I've only got a few minor injuries and exhaustion.



Hey man I don't know what just happened but I gotta get back to Ocean Park or Nurse Jackson is going to have my ass. We just got her back and I'm trying to stay on her good side know what I'm saying?



I need help getting to the hospital. I can’t teleport because I’m not strong enough. I was attacked by that big monster thing. I wanted to help so I made powerful potions tht didn’t exactly go as planned. I managed to at least teleport to a park in monstropolis, but I’m bleeding really bad. Please someone help me.



Skywalkers, Solos and others

How is everyone doing? Is everyone still alive and all right? There's so much chaos that it's hard to sense much in the Force right now, aside from Mara. Too much coming at me at once.







Peyton is badly hurt in a park in Monstropolis. Can you find her?



filtered to Alex and Amber Karev


Um, I think you need to send someone down to the file room.

Lux, Harriet, April

Can one of you come to get me? I'm at the hospital.

How am I not in the house? It's not Halloween yet. I shouldn't be able to not be in there.



What in the Sam Hell?

Where did that blast knock me to? Am I finally dead?



Well now! Isn't this technology splendid... I've actually got means to communicate with the outside world now!

Greetings, my new acquaintances! Name's James March, and I suppose I'm now the owner of this fine establishment, The Hotel Cortez.



Greetings, Galador.

I am Doom. New ruler of the land soon to be known as The Doom Republic. In exchange for doing a rather personal favor for me, Doom has agreed to help restore this world, and be a benevolent ruler of this land.



Last evening during the attacks, Tonks and I were on a patrol of Freedomtown to do what we could to take down some of the parasite monsters. At one point we were overwhelmed by a cluster of them and got separated.

By the time I was able to reach her again, Tonks had already been bitten and had died a short while later.

(( OOC note: Emmeline told Remus and Teddy in person last last night after it happened. She's making this announcement now so that they don't have to. ))



RIP - Wishbone

I found one of those parasites still Alive and I planned to keep it as a pet, about an hour later I kill it.



Everyone check in, please.



Thank god I'm out of there.

( Arizona )

Mind if I come over?



Halliwells et al (Including Stephen, Alisha and other familial ties)

Check in.

She's awake. In true Bea fashion, her first words were "FUCK MY LIFE that hurt!!!"



Private to Arizona, Kate, Erin, Zola, and Meredith

How're we all doing with making sure everyone is taken care of

And Kate, sweetheart... I'm so, so sorry about Michiru. She saved us all and I'll make sure we always remember her.