The Freak Show RPG
people are strange when you're a stranger...
The wind that blows into town smells like fried dough and kettle corn. In a distant field, skyscrapers of bright bulbs and churning machinery light the sky while tinny music and raucous shouts fill the air around the midway. The carnival's energy is contagious, but this isn't just any carnival that's come to town. This is the Freak Show.

To most patrons of the carnival, it appears to be fairly standard despite its old school flair-- but beneath the surface, the Freak Show is full of secrets. None of its workers have wound up there by accident. Many of them have gifts that simply cannot be explained-- eerie little affinities that have been passed down their family line, whether they are aware of this fact or not. Their talents have strengthened since joining the carnival, their strange skills almost impossible to ignore. They are bruja, rootworkers, strega, sorcières. Witches.

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monthly plot post for bath, maine

August 2012


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July 20th, 2012



Ella, Cutter, and Rodeo: Lady and the Tramps

Who: Bernadette Rose Hudson, Ian Terrell, and James Hawkins
Where: The Athletic Arena, Cutter and Rodeo's trailer
What: Ella and Rodeo collect some bets, Cutter and Rodeo have some talks
When: Recently, the day after this Adelaide and Cutter scene.

But you're her brother. She'll come around. She always has. )



Holly and Mort: Three-count waltz

Who: Mortimer Lafayette and Holly Szumiesz
Where: The Lot
What: Learning to ride
When: Wednesday, July 11
Status: Complete

And we keep driving 'round in circles )



Ella and John:

Who: Bernadette Rose Hudson and John
Where: The Pit
What: Philosophizing
When: The week before the camping trip, late night.
Status: Placeholder!

Placeholderrrin'! )