05 February 2013 @ 12:14 am
Welcome Distraction (Ares)  
Aphrodite rather preferred her time among the mortals. More so than with most of her fellow equals, as most would say. As she would say. Yes mortals were not exactly on equal standing with her but she loved them. So interesting! With lives so easy to play with. To bend. And then they were simply fascinating to watch live their little lives. Thinking how important they are in their own world. But she couldn’t always spend her time there.

So she came to her second beautiful home. Her beautiful home which...Which didn't feel right. Didn't seem right.

Now, of course, she could have went straight to her own temple. Could have spent some time in her own home on Olympus. But she had this feeling that she should go a different direction and when she reached Ares’ temple her eyes took it all in. Something just wasn't as it should be and she frowned. But he was there at least. She could feel him Ensuring that she looked perfect, blonde hair curled gently against her shoulders and white dress clinging just right, she cleared her throat and called out.

"Ares?" She wouldn't let herself seem weak but things felt so strange. Strange enough that she felt perhaps a little comfort was needed. Or distractions. Ares would be good enough.