July 2009

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May 4th, 2009

[info]defideli in [info]fracturedrealms

'cause I hate the way I feel tonight and I know I need you in my life

Who: Silvio and Krissy
Where: just outside the Detroit portal
When: a month (Realms-time) after this
What: Silvio needs to get out of the Realms

ElĂ­as had stepped in instantly, banishing the panicking counselors before they could do more harm. Jessika had already withdrawn behind the Mother Superior and the priest had picked up his rosary to keep his hands busy. The foreign prince had quickly assessed the situation, arranged for the quiet transportation of Jessika to the convent with impending plans for her return to her kingdom, and sent messengers to her father to explain the need to preserve their alliance despite the annulment. In fact, Silvio had felt almost useless as he watched the young man gather the pieces of his life and try to rearrange them into some semblance of control. He had finally snapped out of his haze when the other man took him by the shoulders and said softly, "We'll send Sabina with Jessika for her return, perhaps one of the monks. Eliana can handle matters back home."

There had been the unspoken permission for Silvio to flee. It hardly seemed to be in question that he would. He didn't stop until he came to an old hedgewitch's cabin. There he exchanged some gold for a night's stay and directions to Krissy which involved a rather nasty sounding portal. He didn't care, even when he came up choking through the sand. He'd pushed himself a little too hard on this journey but he wasn't going to give up now. He needed someone to talk to, someone who didn't see him as a king, and really the only person he wanted to see right now was Kris. Beany, for all her kindness, had felt very torn now that her little matchmaking enterprise had ended so badly and they both wanted some space from each other. So here he was, pounding on Krissy's door, worn and dirty, looking for a place to hide from his life for just awhile.