Saturday, February 16th, 2013



Seth also sent flowers to Harry, had them delivered to Jenny at school, got a tiny arrangement for Vala.
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Tuesday, August 28th, 2012


Two years had passed since the supernatural world was uncovered by Elixar and started a war. The losses were too much at times but things had actually improved in the end. Shifters and werewolves were more accepted by humans than vampires now, which didn't help the relationship for the two, but it made things easier. Particularly for what was left of the Colt family. Astrid had Johnny and the twins, and she still had Nate and Harry - but most importantly she still had Seth. If she could she would give him some kind of medal or honorable recognition for having put up with her after everything had been torn apart. Though she would have done the same for him without hesitation.

They were all a little family now. Jenny was a little bit older, Johnny arguably more wiser but selectively, and the twins were now toddlers. Which meant they were more of a handful. Probably the strangest thing for Astrid was not knowing whether or not her children were going to be shifters. Sometimes they showed signs but mainly they just enjoyed being clever little menaces.

Finally getting home from the bakery, which had been relocated and doubled in size to a legit business, Astrid set her things down and took in a deep breath. "Something smells good," she called out as she made her way to the kitchen. Astrid walked up behind the other shifter to peer nosily over his shoulder at the food he was preparing. "How was your first day back to school?" she questioned teasingly before pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.
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