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when the war came

And the war came with a curse and a caterwaul. and the war came with all the poise of a cannonball. And they're picking out our eyes by coal and candlelight. When the war came, the war came hard.

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TEXTS SENT TO; ABIGAIL [19 Aug 2013|08:23pm]

Perdu. Lost ~ I got lost in France.
Ollie won't stop laughing at me.

I am beyond embarrassed.

TEXTS SENT TO; ZEV [30 Jul 2013|01:54pm]

sent over the course of five minutes )

TEXT SENT TO; CHRIS [08 Jul 2013|09:33pm]

I need your help. I want to try something.

TEXT SENT TO; HARRY [08 Jul 2013|09:23pm]

You + Me (pizza + Pacific Rim) = epic date night of artery clogging food and giant robots fighting monsters?

FORUM POST; PUBLIC [08 Jul 2013|09:13pm]
You know what they say.. Life is short, sometimes you need to stop and smell the roses.

And that, my loves, is exactly what a drunken!Deputy Marcus Alcott did... )

MESSAGE TO OLIVER [24 Apr 2013|02:50pm]

About that adventure.... I know that you have been non-stop and just got home, but I think we should get away for a week or two.

FORUM POST; PUBLIC [24 Apr 2013|02:37pm]

Hypothetically; who here would be interested in starting a flash mob sometime next week?

Possible locations include but are not limited to... grocery store, police department, main street, that new Jehovah's Witness building, Fangtasia, during the farmer's market. The song has yet to be decided upon, so feel free to comment with your suggestions/requests.

Please RSVP with your level of participation. Thank you.

ps - Isabelle Moreau, you are already signed up. Same goes for you, Maggie, Harry, and Marysa. Actually that whole little group. All the non-single single ladies.

TEXT SENT TO; ALENKA [24 Apr 2013|02:33pm]

Fishing. You and me. Tomorrow. What do you say?

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