fracturedbones' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

when the war came

And the war came with a curse and a caterwaul. and the war came with all the poise of a cannonball. And they're picking out our eyes by coal and candlelight. When the war came, the war came hard.

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FORUM POST; PUBLIC [22 Feb 2013|12:48pm]
I've realized today, with my self-proclaimed day off, that I only know a handful of people here in Louisiana. One being the crazy old woman with 5+ cats next door who lets me rent the other side of her house rather cheap.

So hello, Bon Temps/Shreveport/WhereverYouMayBeFrom, my name is Dyson. I'm English, a friend of Maggie Alcott's, and terribly unsocial.

[ viewing | February 22nd, 2013 ]
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