Thinking Liberally

June 24th, 2009

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Thinking liberally


June 24th, 2009

And you just *know* he's against gay marriage!

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Dear Gov Sandford (R-South Carolina)

Please stop. You're killing me.

Dude, you have to tell people where you're going. It's like, a rule or something.

Disappearing for four days without even your wife knowing where you are is so not cool. You made your Lt Gov look like a schmuck. Well, he kinda is, but...still.

And stop with the apologizing to your wife and kids, cause you you didn't give a fuck about them when you were dipping into the hot mama down in Argentina.

I hope she takes ALL YO SHIT!!!

And those emails? They belong on either [info]weepingcock or McTabby's Summary Executions. Or, Miss Giggles Really Bad Romantic Fiction's list. Still, listening to Keith Olbermann reading them out loud really made a hard day better. So thanks for that. Next time, DELETE, then EMPTY THE TRASH!!!

I mentioned to a friend today that, while the Ten Commandments say nothing about homosexuality, it does say this: "Thou shalt not commit adultery." Guess you were absent when they taught that in Sunday school.

Again, I hope your wife takes ALL YO SHIT!!!

You Republicans have been a never ending source of amusement for me these last six months. By the way, weren't you one of the ones talking shit about your former Senator, John Edwards? Bet he's laughing his ass off right now.

No Love, but Many Giggles,
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