Thinking Liberally

September 22nd, 2008

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Thinking liberally


September 22nd, 2008

Blank check bailout: JUST SAY NO! CALL NOW!

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I need you to do something. Hell, your country needs you to do something!

Go to this web site and find the phone numbers of your congressperson and your state's two U.S. senators.

Phone them. Don't email, don't fax. Phone them. Yes, I'm shy, too. I don't care. Just do it.

Tell them you do not support giving a blank check to the Secretary of the Treasury that will reward the very CEOs that got us into this catastrophe. That the financial bailout must come with substantial protection for the American taxpayers, including protection for those who are threatened with losing their homes, oversight as to how the bailout funds will be used, as well as a meaningful plan for future oversight and reform.

That Barack Obama must not be saddled with an additional TRILLION DOLLAR DEFICIT before he's spent a day in office.

That the Dems folding on this Bush proposal, even if it's "revised" and "amended," will read as spinelessness. It will give cover to every Republican who wants to vote against it, thus distancing themselves from the Bush administration and blaming the Democrats for saddling the nation with that debt.


The proposed plan is a power grab pure and simple. It fixes nothing, just shoves a finger in the hole in the dyke while the water is still pouring in through a hundred other leaks, and threatens to create a thousand more.

Like the Patriotic Act, like the invasion of Iraq, this is a plan being rushed into too fast, without proper research and consideration. The election is in FIVE FUCKING WEEKS. What is the hurry?


Call your representatives. Tell them not this plan. And if they're Democrats, tell them to grow a freaking spine and not sign onto this just to show they're willing to "do something." STOP AND THINK. Good decisions are never made in a rush.

A picture is worth a thousand words

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So who's the elitist? )
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