Thinking Liberally

June 16th, 2008

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Thinking liberally


June 16th, 2008

You gotta see this vid! (not work safe)

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Poor John McCain. It can be difficult being a Luddite maverick. No need to learn computers, no interest in technology, no awareness of youtube or even, apparently, old fashioned tape recorders...

Gore to Endorse Obama TONIGHT

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I just got an email from Al Gore's website saying he is going to endorse Obama tonight at a rally in Detroit. Taken directly from the email:

LIVE TONIGHT -- 8:30 p.m. EDT: Watch streaming video of Al Gore and Barack Obama at a rally in Detroit, Michigan:

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So, jule1122 has already posted that Gore will be appearing with Obama tonight in Detroit.

As the resident GoreFangirl and the resident DetroitFangirl, I would just like to independently register my rage that I will not be at the fucking rally. I am ever so pissed.

In lieu of my being able to provide a first hand account of the night, please take this Old School Al Gore Pic as a consolation prize.

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