Thinking Liberally

April 24th, 2008

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Thinking liberally


April 24th, 2008

lulzy campaign moves

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A stunning blow to The Boss' Obama endorsement, I'm afraid -

Orrin Hatch and John McCain, Hipsters


Okay, seriously, this is getting ridiculous!!

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As you all probably know by now, my other "fandom" is DailyKos. It's where all the hottest political news is posted. Also, Huffington Post is a daily stop for the "WTF??" news in the world.

I'm thinking today must be "Surrogate-Open-Mouth-Insert-Both-Feet Day."

First, we have Sen Evan Bayh, who has endorsed Sen Clinton, saying...nobody endorse but me.

Forget Hillary, Don't Endorse

Then, and this is a beaut, we have the mayor of Hammon, IN, Thomas McDermott, also a Clinton endorser/supporter, seems to have a problem with a Gary, IN high school civics class participating in an early voting field trip. Somehow, he seems to think that the Obama campaign is responsible for this, despite the fact that this is a normal occurrence with the school in question.

School Field Trip 'Unethical Politicking'

Oh, and Sen McCain thinks that maybe we shouldn't rebuild the 9th Ward in New Orleans. Maybe. He's not sure. O.o Meh, screw them, his pastor reiterated (yesterday)that Katrina was God's punishment on NOLA for the Gay Pride parade that they were going to hold. But McCain's down there, probably getting the runs from the jambalaya (one can only hope), telling the people that they haven't been forgotten...oh, and that Obama is an elitist. In case they were wondering.

Wonder if he knows that they already voted, and overwhelmingly, by the way, for Obama. Maybe that wasn't on his note cards.

In My Shoes: Story of Youth with LGBT Parents

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Not politics-related, but I just saw this video and now my heart is so full. It's very inspirational and kids like Alex give me hope for the future.
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