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Youtube Meme, ganked from Krys [27 Aug 2011|10:42am]
The rules are, go look up your PBs on youtube and post the best videos you find.

Jacquelyn Jablonski (Merrill) doing 'Model Diaries' .. Saying things like "I don't know where my pants are" and 'doing the tiger'.
Jodi Lyn O'Keefe (Morrigan) being a PVC-wearing vampire.
Sophie Ellis-Bextor (Nimue) singing 'Wheels on the Bus' and 'Stand by your Man'.
Sam Witwer (Corinth) saying 'What's up?' to some dude's mom. Short and cute.
Bradley James (Arthur) lipsynching to an 80's power ballad with Colin Morgan.
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[ viewing | August 27th, 2011 ]
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