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Melora Hawke, Aedan Surana, Stefan Hawke, UTR-verse [02 Aug 2011|12:53am]
Once again stealing Katie's characters for more drabbles. Since I can't bring 'Lora into the game.

Prompt 096. Dance )
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[02 Aug 2011|01:09am]
Another meme, stolen from Krys!

Give me one of your characters and one of mine. I will write a love note from mine to yours.

Even if they're just friends or not actually in a relationship! Please? Shigure is volunteering to help on those. ;)
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Okay, more of a shameless plug [02 Aug 2011|01:11am]
This is a meme! Really!

Give me two characters and pick a prompt from here and I will write a drabble for you!
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