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From Zero to Three in Scalding Hot Water. [26 Aug 2008|08:52pm]

1.) Minimize trauma and emotional scarring to the batkids. Scarring to Bruce himself is not as much of a concern, as A.) I don't think many people are overly concerned about his mental wellbeing and B.) Batman without scars is like Hello Kitty in a mask and tights, or some kinky male stripper or.. I don't know, Jack is better at the metaphoric punchlines than I am.

2.) Age Bruce up in a believable way, at least in-so-far as comic physics and plotlines are believable. No simple deus ex machina.

3.) Fix Bruce. Want to see some stabilization. Again, not wanting to make him into Captain America, but he needs to not be one bad day away from Arkham.

4.) Don't be a shitty writer. Enough said.

Scenario #1 )

Scenario #2 )

Does anyone remember Bill from Greatest American Hero? )

I need to write up some prompts and talk to Jack about comeback plans.
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