For Severus Snape's Journal
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Sunday, August 19th, 2007

    Time Event
    Two Snuna fics
    Since making this community, I've made two Snuna fanfics for a prompt table over at LJ. I've cross-posted them onto my IJ ^_^

    Title: Envy
    Genre: Angsty romance?
    Pairings: Snape/Luna, Harry/Luna
    Rating: PG
    Word count: 100
    Summary: During The Unbreakable Vow in Half Blood Prince. Snape attends Slughorn's Christmas party, and is upset to see who Luna's holding hands with.
    Disclaimer: I do not own anything of JKRs world. IT OWNS ME!

    ( Envy )

    Title: Memorial Day
    Genre: General
    Pairings: Snape/Luna
    Rating: PG
    Word count: 528
    Summary: Luna visits Snape, five years after the war.

    ( Memorial Day )

    Please feel free to start posting about Snape here!

    Current Mood: cheerful
    Current Music: Requiem for a Dream
    Drabble: So
    Title: So
    Author: [info]magalud
    Word Count: 100
    Rating: PG
    Warning: DH SPOILERS!!!!!
    Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all mentioned characters are property of JKR and Warner Brothers. No copyright infringement is intended.
    Characters and notes are under the cut due to spoilers )

    Current Mood: giddy

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