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Friday, June 5th, 2009
9:15a - Fiction Post #5
Title: Give In
Characters/Pairings: Yuffie x Vincent
Rating: G
Series: Final Fantasy VII

Give In )

Title: Enjoy
Characters/Pairings: Yuffie x Tifa
Rating: PG
Series: Final Fantasy VII

Enjoy )

Title: Break
Characters/Pairings: Cast, implied Aeris x Tifa x Yuffie
Rating: PG
Series: Final Fantasy VII

Break )

Title: Yes
Characters/Pairings: Elena x Rude
Rating: G
Series: Final Fantasy VII

Yes )

Title: Stolen
Characters/Pairings: Yuffie x Elena
Rating: PG
Series: Final Fantasy VII

Stolen )

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9:18a - Fiction Post #6
I'm lame so I wrote two entries for the prompt and was unhappy with both of them but whatever. The first one is the one I actually posted to springkink.

Title: Asking Too Much
Author/Artist: leviathanmirror
Rating: NC17
Prompt: Final Fantasy XII- Basch/Ashe- outdoor sex- rough and wild, surrounded by the desert
Word count: 2063
Summary: Ashe, Basch, and not really knowing where you stand.

Sex won't help her find an answer but it will certainly feel nice. )

Title: All the Hurts
Author/Artist: leviathanmirror
Rating: NC17
Warnings: None.
Prompt: Final Fantasy XII- Basch/Ashe- outdoor sex- rough and wild, surrounded by the desert
Word count: 726
Summary: Ashe and Basch and sex in the desert.

This again? )

current mood: frustrated

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