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Another Meme? I'm sorry...poor sick person needs something to do... [Feb. 25th, 2010|10:31 am]


Once again I've been kind of MIA, from no choice of my own though. Been locked up sick for at least three days now. Birthday is next week and all I can hope is that I'm not sick after the weekend. My muses have been pretty painfully gone because of the stuffy nose, head, sneezing and all that fun stuff. :( So I once again bring you a meme, because it's all I can seem to do right now. :(

1. Go to Deviant Art

2. Type in your character's name

3. Post any interesting pictures you find of your character.
The variety of what you find can be anything from nicely done,
to funny, to just ridiculously entertaining!

(Achilles, Eros, The Red Baron, Robin Hood, Bohemianism, Penelope, Samson, Kenneth Rhodes)
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I feel the need, the need for meme... [Feb. 20th, 2010|05:01 pm]

[mood | bouncy]

Yes, I swiped this from Edensphere on LJ, again.

❀ Post with your characters.
❀ Other post with their characters if they want to know what yours thinks of them.
❀ RESPOND HONESTLY—OOC or IC are both acceptable, but if it's IC, characters can't lie.
❀ Reply to other threads to hear what characters think about yours.
❀ If you want your character give an opinion unprompted, you can do that, too!
❀ Let awkwardness/humor/potential plottings ensue!

I tried something different, no Glee-related gif!
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Apology/MEME [Feb. 18th, 2010|11:21 am]

[music |"Achilles Heel" by Toploader]

I have been absent for a little bit, feeling a tad overwhelmed in RL as in RP land and decided to take a few days break. I should be back this weekend sometime, I just needed some time to myself. Trying to find a new job is never fun or easy. The current job I have is a night shift and I have an hours drive so you can imagine the lack of brain cells I have by the time I get home around 10:30. Bleh. Not to mention I've been holed up in finishing reading my book The War That Killed Achilles. 73 pages to go!

So I apologize for my absence. I do not come empty handed! I have a meme for you guys!

1. Go to Youtube
2. Type in your character's name
3. See what random video's (simply based on the name alone) you can find that are interesting be it music
videos, just whatever.

(preferably something not related to a movie/tv show however, because that's too
obvious, but if you find something unique feel free to share it)

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it takes 2 to tango // but tango's child's play // get on the dance floor // twist the night away [Feb. 17th, 2010|11:47 am]

Introducing the "It Takes-2-Thread" meme.

Let's make this simple, friendlies: got a character bumming around, doing nada? Feeling antsy and unproductive? Want to fatten up your monster's little black book? Bored? Then do something about it.

1) Post with whatever character(s) you'd like to thread more/meet new people.
2) Post NEW if you'd like to play with someone you've never "met" before. Post ANY if you'll to play with anyone, new or familiar.
3) Browse to see if there's anyone offered you'd like to partner.
4) Have fun, kids, and get off my lawn.

Elizzzzzzzzzabeth? The poster is 85% for you.
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Valentine's meme [Feb. 12th, 2010|06:58 pm]

[mood | bouncy]

You know what day is coming... love and nausea is in the air, and it's time for a

♥~Valentine's Meme~♥

You get to tell us what your character really thinks about the big L. Answer the questions IC in any way you choose (lying, bitching, bullshitting, and passing is of course permitted) with your character's name in the subject line. Feel free to respond to others. Lulz. Profit.

Answer the following -
1. Define "love."
2. What is romantic to you?
3. Turn-ons:
4. Turn-offs:
5. Whom on the blogs do you find attractive?
6. A perfect date would be:
7. How would you go about telling a special person that you loved them?
8. If someone wanted to get your attention, what would you advise they do?

Feel free to spam my inbox, I've got a lovely long weekend ahead of me!
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Meme <3 [Feb. 11th, 2010|10:32 pm]

"OMG I LOVE YOUR _____": A RP Meme D'Amour : My Thread

Ok, so, this is just a big ego boosting meme, but who couldn't use an ego boost?

Just follow the link, you can post your own comment there and then leave the URL in the comments of this post so that people know where to find you (without scrolling through 5,000 some odd comments).

Happy Ego Stroking!

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Silly Meme--Baby Pictures! [Feb. 1st, 2010|07:16 am]
[mood | silly]

So, I went home to visit my parents over the weekend, and somehow that meant that my baby pictures needed to be shown to everyone. Parents XD But it did give me inspiration!

Post pictures of your characters or other characters as babies! Either as wee versions of animals that are tied into their myth, or in the case of gods without a particular animal attached, any kind of representation of the baby version of the god. (ETA for clarity)

For example, Osiris and Isis keep pics of their kids (and step-children) on hand, for maximum blackmail adorableness.
Baby Anubis:

D'awww, whose a fluffy little embalmer of the dead? You are! You are!

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Sharing time semi-Meme! [Jan. 31st, 2010|12:28 pm]

[mood | bored]
[music |"Now Is Here" by Clannad]

This is for everyone to participate! (please appease a snowed in and bored person).

After having some nostalgia while surfing youtube, I thought I would do a semi-meme considering. What versions (and you are allowed to post links to vids) of your character/myth/story (if you have them) are your favorites? Is it movie? Television? Which ones make you fall back in love with the character or story surrounding it?

My example:

Try to tell a knight in gold, he's to blame )

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Personal Ad Meme [Jan. 29th, 2010|09:27 pm]


1. Post image (you know one of those sexy images of your character)

2. Write a short personal ad for given character IC

3. Others can respond and reply to the ad IC

4. OOC only, unless you really want to pull it into game ^_~

5. HAVE FUN! (Eros demands it!)

more info )
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MEME TIMES! [Jan. 23rd, 2010|08:02 pm]


I apologise in advance. I have no Glee gifs.

But what I have is a meme!

A'la fandomsecrets@LJ!

-- Reply to this post anonymously with your character's deepest, darkest secrets, either in text form, or fun "postcard" secret form! (Why yes, I am bored and looking for a reason to pop open PS on a Saturday night)

-- Reply with guesses as to whose secrets they are!

-- Reply ICly with whatever you'd like!

-- Have fun!

-- SPAM MY INBOX! (And no, I won't post mine first. That would be brutally obvious then, wouldn't it? XD)
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Home sick, have a meme! [Jan. 20th, 2010|12:44 pm]

[mood | groggy]
[music |Glee Cast - She's Having My Baby]



So last time this was put up, in September, it spawned some awesome crack and drabbles. I'm super-bored, what with being stuffed up and feeling like Death warmed over, and could use some awesomeness in my life.


(ooc: Yes, I put it on my least likely to get laid. It seemed funny.)
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Because I have no other use for this damn icon. [Jan. 19th, 2010|11:15 am]


(Mutant colds + hellish flurries + New Englanders ain't sober near snow + YE GOD(s) WHY AM I STILL AT WORK =...this?)

That said, while I'm not (again) collapsing into a hiatus replies will be slow-ish. Plus, um, I've realized that all my characters--except possibly Mischa--are breaking the Big Rule like whoa and need to do a little brainwork on that...

But! Whatever! Have a meme!


I'm tired of all this nonsense about beauty being skin deep. That's deep enough. What do you want, an adorable pancreas? - Jean Kerr

Our PBs. We use 'em, need 'em, sweat 'em. Occasionally mock 'em, because, hey, didn't Heroin used to do soaps? But at the end of the day, no matter the plot or the problem, we love these kooks.

Because image is everything your mama doesn't need to know about..

1) Post a photo prompt. It can be an emotion ("angry", "happy", "rabid") or it can be a question ("What were they like young--and drunk?") or it can be completely irrelevantly weird ("kangaroo!"). Try to pick prompts open to everyone, rather than strictly personalized affairs. Hey, hey, nobody's doubting your boy/gal is pretty!awesome, and certainly there'll be plenty of chances to show that off, so let's keep this thing wiiiiiide open. Put it in the subject heading and then--

2) Post a PB photo to demonstrate your take on the prompt. Come on, I know you're hoarding that one perfect screencap of your monstrous baby that perfectly captures their I slept with a Kennedy expression. I know. And, really, so should everyone else.

3) Reply to others' prompts with a PB photo. Because the only thing better than Spam is photogenic spam. Srsl.

4) Flaunt it, baby.

4b) Find this post a Glee gif.

The camera can photograph thought. -Dirk Bogarde
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Like I need a reason. [Jan. 18th, 2010|01:17 pm]


The FG Soundtrack Meme

What would make it onto your FG soundtrack?

It could be something related to your character, it could be a song to do with another character. It could be how your character feels about another character.

It could be about a relationship, a storyline, a particular log, or a pantheon grouping. Anything goes.

Share any music that reminds you of FG!
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Meme-o-Kink [Jan. 16th, 2010|08:13 pm]


Meme O Kink!

How to Play?

Post Your Character

Respond to others telling them what kink you think they're into! And if you'd like to join them in it!

Answer your responses IC!
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Song-title Meme [Jan. 13th, 2010|09:50 pm]


Song-title Meme

Rules as follows:

1. Comment with your character
2. Others ask questions or make comment aimed at you
3. Your answer is given with a song title and nothing more
(Other person can choose to respond with another question/comment
or a song title, but the person who made the original comment has
to always answer with a song title)

Credit goes to Jilly for coming up with such a fun and awesome idea and letting me post it~ <3333 Thank you Jilly

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Impending weekend meme time [Jan. 7th, 2010|11:03 pm]

[mood | bouncy]
[music |Beyonce - Single Ladies]

It's nearly Friday here, and I felt like a meme. So have...

The IC Song Title Meme

1) Post with your character name.
2) Other people can comment with song titles that make them think of your character or expresses something they want to say to your character.
3) Hilarity or heartbreak ensues!

Remember, this is all OOC unless it inspires plottiness somehow, then by all means.

Feel free to flood my inbox!

Yes, the gif is totally on purpose. Hymenaios would absolutely do the 'Single Ladies' dance.
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I'd Hit It! [Jan. 4th, 2010|01:15 pm]


The I'd Hit It Meme

The rules:
• Post with your character's username.
• If you would want to be in a relationship with the person who posts this, post a comment saying "I'm yours."
• If you would want to sleep with the person and stay friends, post a comment that says "I'd hit it."
• If you would like to go on a date with the person just to see where it goes, post a comment that says "Are you busy tonight?"
• If you would like to see the person in pain, eternal torment, or just happen to dislike them, post a comment that says "DIAF".

I take no credit for this meme, it has been snagged for entertainment purposes only from Fallen Pedestals at LJ. Like all OOC Memes this stays OOC, unless you want to carry it over IC somehow; that's up to you shiny peeps.
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It's New Years, have a meme! [Dec. 31st, 2009|07:07 pm]

[mood | amused]
[music |Jay-z ft Kanye West and Rihanna - Run This Town]

Welp, it's New Years, and while some of us have awesome party stuff planned others of us got to work a 10 hour day and plan on getting pleasantly buzzed and toasting the New Year with their laptop. A special third set already celebrated NYE and feel I'm behind the times. Regardless, have a meme!

Yearbook Meme

-Post a comment here for each of your characters

-Other characters comment (IC or OOC/Anon or Not) with what they would vote your character as "Most likely to... For example, "Most likely to die cold and alone in a dark alley", or "Most likely to become a TV talk show host.

-Characters may also comment with what they would write in the back of another character's yearbook

-Characters can react to comments

Have fun, spam my inbox!

(swiped from Edensphere on LJ)
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The Gift Exchange Meme [Dec. 17th, 2009|09:56 pm]

[mood | bouncy]

Some God-types do and some don't celebrate Chrismahannakwanzafestistice in-game, but accuracy and common sense have never stopped us from memeing before. So! Pretend we live in a world where there is some kind of social pressure to give gifts to lots of people on the same day. Then:

1. Have your characters post
2. Other players will reply telling you what their characters would get yours
3. You do the same for them

Obviously not everyone would get presents from everyone else, but they don't have to only get imaginary gifts for the people they like. Hate-presents are also encouraged.


(OOC: swiped from Edensphere on LJ)
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[Nov. 25th, 2009|07:03 pm]

I am very sad because I can't go home for Thanksgiving so here is a FUN MEME THAT WILL MAKE ME STOP CRYING, MAYBE. ;o;


Holidays are supposed to make people happy, right? Well, holidays for you sucked. You didn't get to see your family or maybe you have no family at all. If you're a villain, maybe another year has gone by and you still haven't taken over the world. If you're a hero, maybe you're a B-lister who still doesn't have his own action figure. Last night you felt incredibly lonely and pathetic and sad, so you hit the bar. Hard.

Well honey, the bar hit back. You wake up in a cheap motel bed and you're not alone.

What. The. Hell?

* Comment as your characters (still asleep, awake and confused, cuddling-- WHATEVER.)
* Other characters will comment waking up next to said character
* You can comment to as many different people as you like on your own thread or someone else's! An infinite amount of people can reply to the same person. THERE ARE REALLY NOT MANY RULES HERE. COMMENT TO A LOT IF YOU CAN 8D There can be more than one "wake up moment". For example, Ares and Aphrodite both reply to Dionysus' comment, he will reply to each with two different scenarios. EXAMPLE HERE
* Examples can be found here!
* It's up to you whether or not your character remember what happened the night before
* Quicklog format [actions go in brackets] and talking goes outside of brackets for quicker fun!


[Dionysus sleeps soundly for a few moments, awoken only by the sound of running water.]

Good gods, I think I have a hang over.
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