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[May. 9th, 2009|02:36 pm]


How's My Driving?

Since the activity check's now over for the month, it's time for another HMD post.

Most of you will be familiar with this from last time but for those who aren't, this is basically a chance for players to offer each other comments, constructive criticism, concerns and thoughts about the way others' characters are being portrayed. The idea is to give people a sense of how they're going with their characters and whether there's anything they can improve on, as well as getting any concerns that folk might have out in the open.

As players aren't always comfortable approaching certain people with criticisms, anonymous commenting is enabled. Again, most of you probably already realise this, but whether or not you choose to respond anonymously, all comments should be respectful and constructive. Concrit is always helpful, but downright criticism and nitpicking rarely is and flaming will absolutely not be tolerated.

HMDs are completely voluntary and, although it's strongly recommended, nobody is required to be involved in this. If you do want to offer your character/s up for comments, however, just respond to this post with their name/s.
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How's My Driving? [Apr. 8th, 2009|11:14 pm]


How's My Driving?

One of the players suggested that an HMD (How's My Driving?) post might be useful, and I thought it was a good idea.

For anybody who's not familiar with the concept, this is basically a chance for players to offer each other comments, constructive criticism, concerns and thoughts about the way others' characters are being portrayed. The idea is to give people a sense of how they're going with their characters and whether there's anything they can improve on, as well as getting any concerns that folk might have out in the open.

As players aren't always comfortable approaching certain people with criticisms, anonymous commenting is enabled. I'm sure it goes without saying and you're all mature enough to have twigged it, but whether or not you choose to respond anonymously, all comments should be respectful and constructive. Flaming will absolutely not be tolerated.

I should add that this is voluntary and, although it's strongly recommended, nobody is required to be involved in this. If you do want to offer your character/s up for comments, however, just respond to this post with their name/s.
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