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Forgotten Gods RPG

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[Mar. 1st, 2009|09:31 pm]

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Who: Lethe and Phobos
Where: New York; Fairview Nursing Home
When: Sunday, just after 6pm
Rating: TBD

It had almost been a relief to go back to work. )
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As he turned around to leave [Feb. 28th, 2009|05:15 am]


Who: Phobos ([info]fearandpanic) [closed]
What: Sending off a goodbye before he runs away.
When: Saturday, 3am.
Where: On top of the Empire State Building.
Warnings: None.

I was young but I wasn't naive. )
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If they want war, we'll give them a motherfucking war. [Feb. 25th, 2009|02:46 pm]

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[Current Mood |bored]

Who: Andras ([info]inanyas), Ares ([info]ares_godofwar), Bia ([info]fists_first), Dysnomia ([info]daimonadysnomia), Eros ([info]sex_drive), Phobos ([info]fearandpanic), The Phonoi ([info]thephonoi), Wrath ([info]ire)
What: Ares, Phobos, Eros & Bia vs. Phonoi, Dysnomia, Wrath & Andras. Six against four isn't an all-out war but there's definitely some fun to be had.
Where: Central Park, right out in the open. There will be mortals walking around.
When: Wednesday evening.
Warnings: Shit-talking and a smackdown or three.

Somebody's gonna get a' hurt reaaal bad. )
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Here comes wasted head space, paranoia, anger misplaced [Feb. 11th, 2009|06:04 pm]

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[Current Mood |pissed off]

Who: Athena ([info]athena_polias), Phobos ([info]fearandpanic)
What: Phobos has questions and believes that Athena has answers.
When: Tuesday evening.
Where: Athena's place.
Warnings: language

Are you there and do you care? )
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Everyone needs compassion; a love that's never failing. Let mercy fall on me. [Feb. 11th, 2009|12:45 pm]

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[Current Mood |bewildered]
[Current Music |Hillsong - Mighty to Save]

Who: Ares ([info]ares_godofwar), Wrath ([info]ire), Phobos ([info]fearandpanic)
What: Ares does something quite extraordinary to add to the list of 'weirdest shit that's happened this week'. Wrath shows up to end him. Phobos comes by to pick up the dead body.
When: Tuesday afternoon.
Where: A church.
Warnings: Inappropriate churchly conduct e.g. smoking, stabbing, killing...

Everyone needs forgiveness; the kindess of a Saviour, the hope of nations. )
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They're selling razor blades and mirrors in the street [Feb. 8th, 2009|08:15 pm]

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Who: Phobos ([info]fearandpanic), Lilith ([info]cursedlilith) & OPEN
What: Looking for Eris.
When: Saturday night.
Where: Bad parts of town.
Warnings: language, tba

Everything we've ever stolen/Has been lost returned or broken )
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I get more and more strange; I'm going insane, I'm building it up just to break it down. [Feb. 8th, 2009|02:40 pm]

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[Current Music |Cinema Bizarre - Dysfunctional Family]

Who: Ares ([info]ares_godofwar), Deimos ([info]terrorandmayhem), Phobos ([info]fearandpanic)
What: Family Boys day out. =D
When: Saturday early afternoon.
Where: Pickup point: Zeus' mansion. Destination: Who knows?
Warnings: Hmm, lessee. God of war and bloodlust, god of fear and panic, and god of dread and terror having a day out. Kind of a NO SHIT SHERLOCK thing.

You get what you see; the product of a dysfunctional family. )
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We're closer than pages that stick in a book [Feb. 8th, 2009|01:23 am]

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Who: Phobos ([info]fearandpanic) & Deimos ([info]terrorandmayhem)
What: Recuperating
When: Friday
Where: Zeus' manor
Rating/Warnings: language

Being weak sucks! )
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I would die for you/I would kill for you/I will steal for you/I'd do time for you [Feb. 5th, 2009|12:37 am]

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[Current Mood |sick]

Who: Deimos ([info]terrorandmayhem), Phobos ([info]fearandpanic)
Where: NYC
When: Wednesday, before meeting up with Eros
Rating/Warnings: language, tba

And I can never be ignored. )
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[Feb. 4th, 2009|09:13 am]
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Who: Eros, [info]sex_drive; Ares, [info]ares_godofwar; Phobos, [info]fearandpanic; Deimos, [info]terrorandmayhem
What: "Rescuing" Ares
When: Wednesday early morning; 3:30 AM
Where: Music Concert Grounds
Warnings: TBA, language for sure -- it's Ares & his boys.

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Your weakness I taste [Feb. 4th, 2009|01:54 am]

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Who: Phobos ([info]fearandpanic), Orpheus ([info]orphic), Hermaphroditus ([info]hermaphroditus), Zeus ([info]pater_zeu)
What: Approaching the road to awe. Getting into a fight with Orpheus.
Where: Dark alleyways of NYC
When: Wednesday
Warning: language

Everything seemed fuzzy, undefined, blurry. )
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[Feb. 2nd, 2009|12:40 pm]

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Who: Sato and OPEN
Where: Dive bar (somewhere within NYU territory)
When: Evening
Warnings: She’s hungry.

Smell like I sound, I’m lost in a crowd. And I’m hungry like... )
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Greeks Meeting Pt. II [Jan. 31st, 2009|09:11 am]
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Who: The Olympians & Guests
Where: Zeus' East Hampton Manor
When: Tuesday, 20:00 HR
Status: TBC

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[Jun. 20th, 2008|07:05 pm]
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Who: Persephone and Phobos
When: Friday evening
Where: Central Park

You think this torment is romantic, well it's not, except to you )
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[Jun. 18th, 2008|10:13 pm]
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Who Phobos and Wrath
What Talking
Where The Met, garden of statues
When Wednesday afternoon
Rating/Status TBA/In progress

Don't Forget The Violence. )
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[Jun. 18th, 2008|07:16 pm]
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who. Athena and Phobos
when. Tuesday evening.
where. Starbucks.

She imagined this what what it must have felt like seeing one of those Dementors from the 'Harry Potter' series. )
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A walk through time. [May. 24th, 2008|05:51 pm]

Who: Ishtar and Open
Where: Museum of Natural History
When: Early afternoon

Another step, another 75 million years gone. )
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