Wednesday, July 30th, 2008


last updated: September 30, 2008 4:56 pm EST

We're encouraging people who know what they're doing to join. As such, we don't think really complex, long-winded rules are necessary, because generally, if you've been RPing for a while, you know the rules.

For the sake of decorum, here's the short and sweet version.

1. Don't be an asshole. This is a game. It is not the be all and end all of your life. If your character has a problem with another character, don't get pissy with that character's player. Similarly, don't make your characters be unreasonably snotty towards the characters of players you don't like. If you've got a problem with somebody, either shut up and deal with it, or, if it's a very serious problem that is interfering with your RPing, tell the mods. Don't be a drama queen.
2. If you are applying to this game, you should be able to write well. We're not crazy elitists, but we're doing this for fun, and our definition of fun does not include reading shitty grammar and characterization.
3. Pick PBs that make sense. We won't reject an application based on a shitty PB alone, but we will suggest alternatives, and unless you make a really good case for what we would normally view as a shitty PB choice, we will not allow you to use them. This means that if your character is 17, it would be best if their PB was not 30.
4. If you're going to do something that will dramatically affect another person's character, bring it up with them beforehand. Like if your characters are dating and you want your character to have an unplanned pregnancy. Does the other character need forewarning? No. Does the other player? Yes. Similarly, if you want to do some plot that will majorly affect the game as a whole -- like your character's going to poison the Head of some Ministry department -- you should probably mention it to the mods beforehand.
5. This is not a superfluous game. While we love fun and silliness and sex and so on, it has a serious plot, and you have to be aware of that. While we'd love characters who don't pay attention to politics -- no, we don't want a cast composed solely of Big Damn Heroes and Scary Scary Villains -- please be aware of the nature of the game you're applying to. Plot is important to us. Be ready to apply your creative juices to this game.
6. Similarly, please bring characters with depth. We do not need mustachioed, cape-wielding villains whose only purpose in life is to upset the bad guys. We do not need golden boys and girls whose only fault is their never-ceasing goodness. People are people, and good characters are people, too.
7. Have fun or we'll kick the shit out of you.
8. Activity! For core characters (eg. Order members, Ministry bigwigs, Death Eaters), you need to post once a week. For auxiliary (ie. less important to the driving plot) characters, you only need to post once a month. This gives you the ability to make characters you would not normally be able to commit to on a regular basis and creates general diversity. Hurrah! If you can't keep up with your cast, we'll talk about it.

In summary: use your common sense and experience. If there's a problem, we can handle it like adults. This is an adult relationship, right? We can work it out.
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