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fault lines

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[01 Oct 2008|11:26pm]
who the class of 69 crew, being Evie, Benjy, Jack, Lindy, and Dax. Anyone in their crew, as well.
what a well-deserved night off!
when nighttime october 1st.
where the local dive :D

It has been too long since Evie got the chance to see her friends. Really, actually see them. She's spoken to Benjy and somewhat to Lindy, but she hadn't seen any of them in weeks. It's been a tumultuous time, and for sure, Evie deserved a break. Even if just for the night. Even if she still has to be at work for ten the next morning. Whatever. She'd already buried the thought and, after picking one of her old favourite bars deep in the Soho area of London, Evie changed into Going-Out clothes and put on her boots.

Within a minute, she was walking down Regent Street, popping into a shop on a corner, buying a new pack of cigarettes, and lighting up just outside before continuing. Maybe she should have waited for someone.

Again, whatever. Past is past. Can't change it, blah blah blah. Evie literally stopped giving a shit as soon as she clocked out earlier in the day.
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