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I'm so tired. [Dor/Lindy] [28 Sep 2008|11:32pm]
[ mood | stressed ]

Who: Dorcas Meadowes & Lindy Hoppenforth.
When: September 28, 1979.
Where: Dor's bakery.
What: Life sucks. Lindy's going to Dorcas for baked goods.

Lindy Hoppenforth was having a hard month.

True, lots of people had had a hard month in Wizarding Britain that September. True, lots of people had had much harder months outside of the first world. True, there had been much worse months in the history of calendars.

Regardless, he'd been having a hard month.

Jack was generally a bit difficult to live with, between the mood swings and the psychotic amounts of brain cells leading towards occasional nervous breakdowns and the incessant creation of various guitar pedals. Lindy loved him to death -- to death, absolutely -- but Jack still took his toll, even on a good month. Living with Jack after a psychotic purist had just been "elected" Minister for Magic was a nearly superhuman feat. Of course, Lindy had spent a fair amount of time around Dax, who was increasingly becoming Lindy's therapy for many of lives problems, but Dax was a busy and frequently solitary creature, and Lindy was much too over-sensitive to the emotions of others to smother Dax with more affection than he could stand.

As such, Lindy was heading off to see Dorcas, who had never once yelled at him or accused him of having his head in the sand or being a whiny bitch who was overly obsessed with Jack's fluctuating moods. They had a system. It was a very good system. When Lindy was upset, he went to Dorcas for baked goods (which he didn't actually eat very much of, not being big on sweets, but enjoyed picking at nonetheless), and when Dorcas was upset, she came to Lindy for tea.

It was a very good system.

As such, Lindy entered through the back like he would his own home, hung his hat up, took his coat off, and nodded at Dorcas as soon as she came into sight.

"Hell of a month," he offered by way of greeting, offering her a cigarette.

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