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a small article featured in yesterday's Daily Prophet [27 Aug 2008|09:26pm]

By Osbert Clarence, Magicked Press, London.

AUGUST 26TH: An attempted break-in at Gringotts Bank in Diagon Alley late Monday night to early Tuesday Morning has been confirmed, according to the Ministry of Magic. While the Goblins at the bank are pleased to report that nothing has been stolen, the bodies of three unidentified men were found in the vast, sweeping tunnels underneath the sprawling bank.

The attempt occurred late Monday evening, with the intended target being a few unnamed Government Access vaults. The men were found dead approximately 200 yards from the aforementioned area, with no sign of having gotten into the vaults and nothing on their persons. No cause of death has been given yet.

When asked about the attacks, Gringotts employees declined to speak with the Prophet. The scandal is being investigated fully by the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, based on how base of a charge it is to rob the only wizarding bank in the country, which houses personal vaults for all citizens, including celebrities like Celestina Warbeck and even the Minister of Magic herself. Further details are forthcoming.
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