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Premise. [04 Aug 2008|04:59pm]
[ mood | calm ]

Empires aren't built to last. The Assyrians could tell you that. So could the Romans. So could any British Muggle. There have been plenty of empires in Wizarding history, some remembered fondly, some not. Since the fall of Grindelwald, what could be called a Dumbledorian Empire has prevailed over Wizarding Britain. The notion of Wizard supremacy was reviled as the doctrine of monsters, and even though much -- if not most -- of Britain's magical population continued in disdain, distaste, or fear of the Muggles, the government -- and, of course, Hogwarts -- became obsessed with pushing forth an agenda of equality and peace. Some believed in the messages put forth. Some did not.

As the years passed, it became gradually more clear that Grindelwald was by no means the last hurdle Wizardkind would have to overcome if they wanted to live peacefully. Even a cursory examination of history and the old adage about repetition would have made such a conclusion obvious, but still, as the words "You-Know-Who" became more and more common, the Wizarding world began to be taken by panic and fear, and the people who had been oppressed for years by the popularity of equality began to see an opportunity for a new empire in Wizarding Britain -- one which would ensure that Wizarding Britain would be the only Britain soon enough.

In 1978, the war isn't the whole of reality for British witches and wizards, but it is a war. Millicent Bagnold is Minister for Magic, and competent though she may be, it's become glaringly clear that even their Minister is terrified for what's going to happen to the country. Repeated warnings have been made to the general public; advisories for how to stay safe are released every other day, it seems. Unfortunately for Millicent, sometimes mere competence isn't enough. The Ministry has tightened security around the Minister and other key players significantly in the past number of months, but it's difficult to tell who you can trust to look after the people you're depending on.

On September 1st, Millicent Bagnold will be assassinated by one of the people who'd sworn to guard her. The Ministry will fall into chaos. The entire country will hold its breath to see what will happen, and after an emergency vote by the Wizengamot, the new Minister will be announced, less than a week after the old one fell.

Bellatrix Lestrange might not have won on charm alone, but the Black family has many powerful friends, and whatever else they may be, the Wizengamot witches and wizards are human. They all have things they're not willing to lose. The youngest Minister for Magic in history will win with a solid majority, and whatever the reputation of the Black family, it is made immediately clear that Bellatrix is a woman willing to do whatever it takes.

The general public cannot be blamed for being lulled into a sense of security. True, anyone in Wizarding society knows about the Blacks, and knows that Bellatrix has rarely done her family anything but proud, but the proposals made by the new Minister sound good. Death Eater activity quiets down. It seems that, by presenting him with one of his own -- a pureblood who's about as pure as you can get -- the Ministry has finally found a way to scare You-Know-Who.

Only the people who know Bellatrix -- and who know the Dark Lord -- truly understand the implications of the new Empress's reign.

While Albus Dumbledore has been working together with a select and trusted few to fight the Dark Lord for years, the "election" of Bellatrix makes it glaringly clear to him that the time to act was yesterday. As the month of October approaches, a number of people are approached at various times, in various ways, to join an official group of people outside the Ministry to oppose the Death Eaters. It isn't long before the first group photo is taken, and the group gets a name: The Order of the Phoenix. One thing is clear to these hopeful heroes: between the violent activities of the Death Eaters, the heavy presence of purists in the bureaucracy, and the sudden ability to change the law itself to aid his goals, You-Know-Who is an almost impossibly strong foe. There is no room for ambivalence in this war. There are good guys, and there are bad guys, and whoever wins gets an empire with its foundations in the other side's blood.

What side are you on?

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