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Thursday, January 24th, 2008

    Time Event
    These were written back in 2006 and unfortunately I lost track of FMA manga canon a little after that (and um. never did get around to catching up) so I don't know if it could still be accurate or not. In fact probably not. D: But Mei-chan is love and I'm doubtful she has much fic!

    Title: Into darkness
    Rating: G
    Genre: Introspective
    Pairings: None
    Word Count: 130
    Warnings: If you know who Mei is, it's impossible to be spoilt.
    Summary: Mei never quite liked this city.
    Disclaimer: Not mine!

    Title: Nice (Birthday Fic for [info]soraphilia )
    Rating: G
    Genre: Introspective
    Pairings: Mei/Al
    Word Count: 170
    Warnings: If you know who Mei is, it's impossible to be spoilt.
    Disclaimer: Not mine!
    Summary: Mei sat down at the table, snuggling her nose into the top of Xiao Mei's head.

    Title: The Truth
    Rating: PG for Ed's potty mouth
    Genre: Gen
    Pairings: Mei->Ed
    Word Count: 164
    Warnings: If you know who Mei is, it's impossible to be spoilt.
    Disclaimer: Not mine!
    Summary: The truth.
    Xposted to [info]fma

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