FMA's All Pairing Challenge Community for Adults' Journal
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Below are 20 journal entries, after skipping by the 40 most recent ones recorded in FMA's All Pairing Challenge Community for Adults' InsaneJournal:

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    Friday, January 5th, 2007
    12:04 am
    Compilation Post for Month 8: Jean Havoc

    Original poster: ffq_mod

    Well the month of [info]hallidae Jean Havoc is finally completely over and he was indeed put to good use.

    Let's check his time card )

    Friday, December 1st, 2006
    8:13 am
    Month 8 Sign in sheet!

    Original poster: velvet_mace

    It's that time again. Time to pick out a new victim lucky participant for porn. This time our collective eyes turn to a man who has always been a loyal, stalwart friend; a man who believes in duty, hard work, and never shirks from danger; a man who is tall, blonde, handsome, and even legal. Yet despite all that, he just can't score.

    It's not a pity fuck, it's a show of our appreciation. After all, what are friends for.

    Month#8: Havoc
    One Dog of the Military, well trained and at your service )

    Reminder, you must submit all outstanding paperwork for Hawkeye before I can assign Havoc to be your personal Dog. If you need an extension Go HERE and request one.

    EDIT: Kudos to [info]hallidae for finishing her first claim on the first day, and coming back to claim a second. You are truly the queen of FFQ.

    Thursday, December 7th, 2006
    10:37 am
    Compilation post for Month 7: Riza Hawkeye

    Original poster: velvet_mace

    And the month went pretty well (considering the fact that Nanowrimo was also going on). But Hawkeye's time is over. All entries are in, all extentions are off, and even troopers like her need some rest.

    Hawkeye's Score Card )

    Sunday, December 3rd, 2006
    5:59 pm
    Community Icon

    Original poster: velvet_mace

    I realized the other day that FMA_FUH_Q has no official icon! This had to be remedied:

    So I offer one up to the community. Feel free to take and use however you see fit.

    Wednesday, November 1st, 2006
    4:08 pm
    Month 7 Sign in: Riza Hawkeye

    Original poster: velvet_mace

    Well, hey there Porn Lovers, it's another month, time for another victim person of honor.

    Month#7: Riza Hawkeye
    Oh, Het and Yuri fans, it's your turn! )

    Just a reminder, if you signed up for last month, you must finish servicing Greed your fic/art before signing up for this month. If you need a day or two to finish up go here and tell me.

    Friday, November 10th, 2006
    1:27 pm
    Belated Compilation post for Month 6

    Original poster: velvet_mace

    Month 6 went well. Greed is very pleased.

    Click for Greedy Goodness )

    Friday, October 6th, 2006
    10:08 am
    Month 6 sign up sheet.

    Original poster: velvet_mace

    Hello patient members. I'm very sorry for the delay in getting up the sign in sheet. I have every intention of getting it up on time in the future. [info]hieronymousb has asked if I could take over for her, and I accepted. This morning I got the passwords and such.

    EDIT: For the purposes of this month's challenge, Greed means the original Greed, not Greedling, who has from the very beginning of this community been lumped with Ling. Eventually Ling will get his turn in the sun (and we'll lose all our anime only members) and then you will have a chance to pair him.

    Month#6: Greed
    you guy's know the drill )

    Compilation post for last month is coming up.

    10:55 am
    Compilation Post Month #5

    Original poster: velvet_mace

    Sign-up sheet here. Completed Claims

    Read more... )
    The following members did not get their work in and must wait until month 7 to claim another pairing:

    Envy x Fletcher Fic: [info]vera_chan
    Envy x Hughes Fic: [info]gretchen8642
    Envy x Sloth Fic: [info]_acerbitas_
    Envy x Trisha Fic: [info]wofl_iron

    Let me know if this is in error because you dropped your claim or I somehow missed your post.

    Saturday, September 2nd, 2006
    10:31 pm
    Claims post month#5

    Original poster: ffq_mod

    Before we begin, I would like to say: stop emailing us trying to claim characters in advance. No more 'I don't know who's next but I'd like them x Al, please'-type posts, m'kay? You can wait for the posting of the claims list along with everyone else.


    Character: Driver picks the music )

    You are reminded all posts ought to be PORN. Also, they're all due in for the last day of the month.

    Current Mood: bored
    Current Music: Emilie Autumn - Rose Red

    Friday, September 29th, 2006
    4:32 am
    Compilation post for Month #4

    Original poster: hieronymousb

    Compilation post for month four )

    Yes, I know this is horrendously late. It was a busy month, and earlier when I tried to type it, my computer crashed. @_@;;

    Normally I'd list the people who didn't complete their claims period, but given that Month Five is already almost over and none of those people attempted to claim something for it, I see no reason to take note of who didn't finish.

    Lastly, if there's a problem with this post, please do let me know so I can fix it!

    Current Mood: mellow

    3:41 am
    Resignation Post

    Original poster: hieronymousb

    Just what the title says. I'm calling it quits for FFQ.

    I've had a great deal of fun with this community, and I still intend to sign up for claims every now and then (and I still intend to post my claim for this month), but I can simply no longer deal with co-moderating a community which requires reasonably frequent updates and attention, small-to-moderately-sized though it is. It's getting stressful and frustrating, causing fights between me and friends, and generally becoming Not Fun, and I just don't have the time anymore.

    I still intend to write up the Al compilation post which I'm really far behind on. I'm not going to burden anyone else with that.

    If you need to ask something or you need the userinfo fixed, then post here and I'll see to that, as well. I will tie up whatever loose ends I can before going, including posting the next claims list *IF* whoever replaces me doesn't want that responsibility. That's up to them, and I imagine some people would want to pick the new character, which is one reason I'm trying to get this in before the month closes. Certain situations here have made it abundantly clear to me that I have not been as active or as attentive a mod as I should've been, and I am sorry for that. Really sorry. And maybe this seems like shirking responsibilities further, but I just think it's time to be honest with myself here, and I honestly know I'm not doing as much as I could, and yes, there have been problems [which I do take responsibility for; I'm not blaming anyone else for my negligence ;)]

    I have someone in mind to replace me, but this is still up in the air until I talk to this person more, and until I talk with Nym.

    Anyway. Later all! I for one welcome whoever your next evil co-Overlord is.

    Edit: I'll also handle the matter of extensions here, if you want one.

    Current Mood: apathetic

    Monday, July 31st, 2006
    12:51 pm
    Month four begins!

    Original poster: hieronymousb

    Whew. Finally.

    Hope everyone is ready to claim. ♥

    Claim sheet for month four )

    Claims are now due on the LAST DAY of each month. I've decided to change the deadline because many people were having difficulty remembering the 25th as each month's deadline.

    Current Mood: groggy

    Tuesday, September 5th, 2006
    3:07 pm
    A note about month four.

    Original poster: hieronymousb

    I'm putting up the Al compilation post tomorrow. If you asked for an extension, you have till then to get something turned in. After that point, you may still turn in whatever you claimed (meaning you may still post it to the community); I don't mind. However, you may not participate in this month's challenge unless you get last month's claim in before the Al compilation post goes up.

    Additionally, I have updated this month's claims post. Please let me know if you were listed for the wrong thing.

    Current Mood: content

    Sunday, September 3rd, 2006
    8:13 am
    New Rule

    Original poster: hieronymousb

    Due to the wanky business of last night, I feel the need to post this where everyone can see it. Folks, I appreciate that you like this community and want to help out and maybe point others in the direction of the rules, but please do not get into fucking arguments with your fellow community members about this.

    If you start to smell a wank, just back off and let Nymeria and myself handle it. Better yet, let us answer all the modly-type inquiries anyway. It's not like either of us will let a person do something which the rules prohibit; we're fully in control and more than capable of seeing to it that rules are not broken. There is really no need for you all to make a fuss about what may or may not be a rule. If for some reason the rules don't let a person claim whatever they're trying to claim, then believe me, we--the mods--will catch it. To this day, no one has ever been allowed to claim a pairing that the rules DIDN'T let them claim, so there's no need for you to worry and start second-guessing people's claims. Let us be the ones to approve/deny claims.

    So yeah. No wanking. Just let us take care of things, all right? All right.

    Edit: Incidentally, I did edit the userinfo. I was unaware that some information on it was outdated. If you see anything else on the userinfo which needs to be edited/fixed, or which you merely have questions about, please let me know.

    Edit 2: It has been brought to my attention that people do/did not agree with the way in which I handled this situation. I can accept criticism as a moderator of this community or else I would not have repeatedly admitted to my shortcomings in the original wank. I said REPEATEDLY that I made mistakes and failed as a moderator in certain ways. If you feel I am STILL not handling this situation right, then please come to me and tell me. I will listen. You can even email me at if you'd rather not talk openly on the community.

    Saturday, September 2nd, 2006
    8:27 am
    A note about the compilation post.

    Original poster: hieronymousb

    Since a lot of people have asked for extensions, I'm not going to put up a compilation post for August until more submissions come in. Those of you who asked for extensions: you have a few extra days, perhaps 2 or 3, but please don't push it.

    Nym will announce the next character when she's ready, and until you turn in your claims, you can't claim for September. Both Nym and myself have agreed that this is fair.

    Wednesday, August 23rd, 2006
    11:20 pm
    "Prom Date" - Al x Hawkeye

    Original poster: david_stroup

    Here's "Prom Date," my entry for August.

    Title: Prom Date
    Genre: FMA... parody? Webcomic.
    Pairing: Al x Hawkeye, in a nice platonic way, w'know.
    Warnings: Contains ALMOST no yaoi. SFW.
    Spoilers: nada. Waaaay too silly for that.
    Page count: 18 (whew)

    Prom Date


    Current Mood: Finished.
    Current Music: 'Hikaru no Go' theme stuck in head...

    Sunday, July 30th, 2006
    4:46 am
    Compilation post for month three.

    Original poster: hieronymousb

    Sorry for the delay. I haven't been around much. Here is the compilation post.

    For those asking when I'll post the CLAIMS post: I intend to do it tomorrow. I'd do it right now (I just woke up), but most people are in bed and would probably kill me for posting at this time and giving them unfair disadvantages in getting stuff. So, tomorrow it is. Anyway...

    Click for compilation post )

    THANK YOU [info]velvet_mace FOR HELPING ME WITH THIS. Without Vel's help, I probably would not have felt up to doing this tonight.

    Unless I'm mistaken (and I feel like I must be, cos this is a very small number), only [info]lifeinahole27 didn't do her claim. Everyone else seems to have either asked for an extension or dropped. Those who have asked for extensions: Please get the fics/art in as soon as possible.

    To all those who have asked about possible contests here, I'm sorry, but we still have to organize something for those. First of all, we need a graphics maestro who can make banners for us. If someone would like to volunteer, that'd be lovely. :)

    Tuesday, July 25th, 2006
    5:26 am
    Last day of July's FFQ claims month.

    Original poster: hieronymousb

    [info]mjules and [info]inugrlrayn have asked me about extensions.

    [info]edo_fangirl, [info]azysapphy, [info]lifeinahole27, all have fanworks due today. Please make sure that you:

    1) do them


    2) drop them


    3) ask for an extension (though please do not abuse this; if you folks need extensions, I want to know WHY--sheer indolence is not a good reason).

    Current Mood: cranky

    Monday, June 26th, 2006
    10:06 am
    [Mod] Claim post#3

    Original poster: ffq_mod

    It's month#3, and time for a brand new claim sheet.

    Character and claim list behind the cut. )

    Have fun!

    Current Mood: cheerful
    Current Music: Nightwish - Wish I Had An Angel

    Saturday, July 22nd, 2006
    2:27 am
    FFQ announcements.

    Original poster: hieronymousb

    Fics/arts are due soon, people. ♥ You have a few days left. Also, if your membership from the community got rejected, it's probably because you have no age in your profile. If you are 17+ and still got rejected, please contact as me, as there may have been a mistake.


    Tonight, someone suggested setting up a system by which FFQ fics are placed into polls (i.e. "Most Interesting" or "Most Believably Done") and voted on; what are your thoughts on this idea? Do you think it would raise the spirits of the community and perhaps encourage more people to participate? If so, what categories should be created for these polls, in your opinion?

    Current Mood: relaxed

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