Saturday, September 8th, 2007

Nyargh Argh!

Good Lord, I just got up and it’s all warm and mouldy in my room. I have no clue where that stench is coming from, could be from outside could be in here, but unlike on every other day my nose apparently refuses to work (as to do my fingers because I just typed “noose” instead of nose >_<).

Like I said last night, I am actually skipping Uni today, just cannot be arsed to go or do anything much at all, what with all the zombies about outdoors, one of the savage ones just ate my postman who might have been carrying something I was waiting for in his bag, alas I shall never know. I have to keep myself from scratching my face because the skin has started to come off at the edges and I cannot quite afford to buy new super glue just yet. Oh what a bother!

When I turned on the telly to see what the weather was going to be like and whether I’d need to bring an extra bundle of hair in case it rained I saw one of the few human broadcasters on talking about the latest fashion and how mummified cat-tails now – despite popular opinion – have an increasing impact on the stock market. I am happy to see that he doesn’t mind his co-anchor not being human. My therapist would now give me a stern look and tell me that we all were human, just a bit… different? I agree we are not lesser than humans, but I mean, we are not really human either and different is just a bleeding euphemism! I can feel my brain rotting away in my skull and instead of brushing my teeth every morning and every evening I have to glue them in again – which’ll hopefully not be for long for I have an appointment next week to have them screwed in permanently – so, how exactly does that make me only different and not something else completely?

Yeah, that’s what I thought! I am just happy I have the money to keep my brain from rotting as fast as it must have in those guys downstairs that ripped the postman’s head off… idiots… maybe it was because they had very little brain to begin with… who knows!?

The lady on the telly is talking about the latest in zombie-fashion and I listen closely because I want to make sure that I am not too much dressed according to convention. I can hear her talking while I walk into the bathroom and glue some new lashes to my eye-lids. Bloody hell, one of my eyes is starting to turn pale again, I’ll have to have it lasered before I get in to work tonight. I grab my sunglasses and my extra bundle of hairs – they said it might rain later and I wouldn’t want them to fall off like I saw in that movie two days ago when a human/zombie couple walked in the rain and he left her standing there because he just couldn’t bear her disgrace. He watched her melt that bastard! But I digress – and make my way outside into the bright sunlight. I need to zap those idiots with my small acid dispenser (who needs pepper-spray nowadays) because no matter how much they want to, they cannot have my head to play with, idiot knob heads that they are!

As I make my way to the grocers to buy some food for my pet-zombie-cat I think about how things changed since the day the world ended and actually they haven’t changed much, or have they?


Inspired by BLITEOTW, if not exactly like requested though *lol*.

Have a nice day, says Zombie!Me! :D
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Through the Dark

Alright, so this is one of my non-fandom stories! :) I wrote this in January and well, it's a bit fluffy, but see for yourself! :) Title snagged from a KT Tunstall song, the rest happens to be my idea.

Dedicated to [info]sindacirwen

Through the Dark )

Drop me a line, if you feel like it! :)
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How to be a proper Villain and get away with it

I got this idea, while talking to Harry last night! :) she's brilliant and will definitely get a place among my favourite muses!!!

So yeah, this is dedicated to her. Thanks for everything!

Disclaimer: If you try any of this and something bad happens, NOT MY FAULT, this is a work of fiction. Get it?

I haven't had time to get this beta-ed yet, so it might not be the final version.

I do intend to mention fictional villains now and then, I don't actually own any of them, but I'll specifically give credit to whomever wrote them, for each chapter!

This is going to be something, that I'll continue and add to, whenever I have time.

This idea is mine, and whoever steals it, had better run and hide for cover, before I find them and rip their guts out.

Thanks for your attention, now onto the thing itself:

How to be a proper Villain and get away with it )

That's it for now! :) Hope you liked it! :)

Comments are Love!
mood: devious
music: Leftfield - Song of Life
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