Saturday, September 8th, 2007

15 Banners + 13 icons + 9 Headers

Right, not all of this is up for grabs, since some of these were made on request.


[5] Tomb Raider
[4] North and South
[2] Discworld
[1] Lucius Malfoy


icons and banners etc. under the cut )

- Credit either [info]nimielle or [info]flyingsideways when taking
- No hotlinking
- No editing or using these as bases please
- Comments are
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41 - North and South Icons, 1 Robin Hood Icon + 1 North and South Header

[5] Margaret Hale
[5] random North and South
[31] John Thornton
[1] Sir Guy of Gisborne


1. 2. 3. 4.

icons under the cut )

Last but not least a header I made and am not sure, whether I'll even use it!


Constellation of the Heart

x-posted at [info]ns_icons

- Credit either [info]nimielle or [info]flyingsideways when taking
- No hotlinking
- no editing or using these as bases please
- Comments are
mood: sleepy
music: Guster - Rocket Ship
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