Wednesday, July 24th, 2013

I have a maid for an entire month, albeit one that refuses to wear clothes.

How are you doing, kid? Can I even call you kid if you're older than me? Anyway, I was thinking you could pick a regular night for dinners.

Remus Lupins of all varieties
I have a proposition for you lot, if you're interested. I offered the last time I was here, I believe, but so much has changed in between that time, including most of you.
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Sunday, July 21st, 2013

Safe to say that it's possible.
blood world Lupins and Eris
Family discussion?
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Nice day.

Ward to Vee
So, I'm actually starting to think that the catch is that there isn't one. Pinch me so I know I'm not just dreaming all this?

Ward to Arayna, Abby and Siri
So I could use some sisterly advice.
big sparkly rock )
I picked it up back in the Valentine's world ... now I'm worried it's too busy. Is it too busy?

I'm not sure when yet. Probably not until after my birthday's out of the way.
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Saturday, July 20th, 2013

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Friday, July 19th, 2013

Alright, my lot. Which of you broke the Compound?
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Thursday, July 18th, 2013


Deja vu can be a right bitch. Does anyone know what the hell's going on?
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Wednesday, July 17th, 2013

It's interesting that I was taken just to be brought back only a few weeks later once everything is over. I'd like to stay this time, if possible, which seems very likely.

Captain Epsilon
I suppose it's Richard now, isn't it? [...] Is it possible to have my old room back?
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Monday, July 15th, 2013

Has it really been over a year?

Happy birthday, Daniel. I'm sorry I wasn't there when you woke up, but I tried to make you french toast for breakfast. OOps It's edible, I promise, but it isn't half as good as yours.

I love you.
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Wednesday, July 10th, 2013


Kind of hard to enjoy these games with everything else going on.

Should really take on Molly's role in this whole baking business.

Ice cream?
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Saturday, July 6th, 2013


...Remus John Lupin, where the fuck are you?
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Tuesday, July 2nd, 2013

Warded to: Sam Ridgebit
I hope you didn't make plans for this evening, love. It's an important day, and I love celebrating you.

Scheherazade is even making herself all yours today.
Warded individually to: Bill Black, Charlie Black, Tonks Black, Astrea Black, Astro Black, Astrid Black, and Altair Black
I've been planning my wedding to Sam. I had been talking about them with your mother*. She, of course, gave sane rational input I'm lucky to have received. You're welcome to be a part of it - the planning, the ceremony - if you would like. But I'd understand if you wouldn't. I plan to have the ceremony sometime this month. You are the light of my life, the most important part of it, and what I'm most proud of. I hope to see you there. And don't worry, I'll be making much nicer invitations later.

With love,
*Molly/mother-in-law for Tonks.

OOC: If you would like to discuss personalization of the message with me (because he would do that), I'm so up for that/assume he did. I'm just working on a time crunch here. =)

Warded to: Kate Ridgebit-Black
It's time for serious wedding planning. May I have the honor of your presence as my trusted right hand on this, again?
Warded to: Mr. Gamma
I have a request. I'll have half as many as Shakespeare wrote sonnets throughout the month, but this one's an important one. Can I have your attention for a moment?
Warded: Private
James, Lily, Peter, Molly, Hestia. They're all gone from my world. Who's going to be my best mate?
Warded to: James Potterthg
Think you can catch a tennis ball on a trident? I got an even better question to follow that.
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Sunday, June 30th, 2013

Sweetie honey sugar gelato, come here so I can knock you out with my mad lovin' and go on a trip with my twin sister and chocolate sister.

EVERYONE ELSE, behave yourselves. Being bold is for Weasley twins. We have the toilet seats to prove it.
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Someone mentioned s'mores a bit ago, but I can't have just s'more. Anyone that knows me knows that I need s'all.
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I sign off for a couple weeks to go away and explore the new digs and I come back to all the sadness. I, Jane Charlotte Potter, do hereby decree that we seriously need to have some kind of weekly bonfire party because there's no way you can be totally sad when you're eating marshmallows and picturing Evans shirtless. The last part is probably just me but you get the point.

I'm calling it Shindig Saturday. The first one will be next weekend.
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Friday, June 28th, 2013

George and Leigh
I might take a trip for a few days. Just wandering. Do you wanna come?
Kosta, Cho and Ginnyukr
Taking a trip for a little while. George and Leigh may be coming with.

If we're not back by sundown next Saturday, panic.
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She's gone...

Are you busy?

I don't often use profanity. But right now... fuck all of you.

Could I have a few days off?

[Melinda - so pretty much private]
Daphne writes a sad letter )
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Wednesday, June 26th, 2013

I'm so tired, Abby.
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Hey. How are you holding up?

I don't know if you're busy or if you even like this sort of stuff but I need help with decorating my shop. Would you want to help?
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Has anyone seen Harry from my world? Where is my son?
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Her Babies
Birthdays are coming up quick. I say we celebrate now before the weekend explodes in both of your honours. Sound good?

Her Sirius
I know this is a bad time, but I do need you to do something for me. Could you, please?

Whatever happens, keep an eye on the both of them, please.
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