Wednesday, July 24th, 2013

Warded to AstroErisPartyHarry
You guys want waffles? (She asks because she was hungry and decided she wanted waffles, and then made too many ... it's possible I need to find something to do with my free time).
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I'm bored, babe. This is never good. And in the interest of not getting arrested like last time, and since we own all the movies, you wanna come by the store and watch something in the screening room with me?
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I suppose we haven't really spoken of it, have we? I suppose in person would be better, yet I feel the need to put this in writing.

I wish to remain here, with you. For as long as you are here, and desirous of my companionship, I will forgo my return to Britain. After all, it was prophesied I would return after death, for a great need, and I can think of no greater cause than love. This once, I choose to be the man first, not the king. My heart, my sword, my estate, and my fealty are yours, for so'er long as you shall have them.
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Sunday, July 21st, 2013

Nice day.

Ward to Vee
So, I'm actually starting to think that the catch is that there isn't one. Pinch me so I know I'm not just dreaming all this?

Ward to Arayna, Abby and Siri
So I could use some sisterly advice.
big sparkly rock )
I picked it up back in the Valentine's world ... now I'm worried it's too busy. Is it too busy?

I'm not sure when yet. Probably not until after my birthday's out of the way.
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Friday, July 19th, 2013

SOOOOO, it turns out, the London Transit Police are not on board with the concept of WATER BALLOON WARS! Personally I think this is a major oversight. I'd write a letter to my congressman except this is England and I dunno if they write letters to MPs. Do they do that? I may do that.


So, um, Theo? Eris? Ro? Other Me? Somebody wanna come bail us out?
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Warded to Lilys, Knap World Family
I'm inclined to stay here at least a little while longer. But I'd like to know what everyone else's plans are.

Juniper & Bran
Hello, dears. Will you be staying, then?
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Wednesday, July 17th, 2013

So [...] what do we do if the whole 'go home' bit is broken?
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Tuesday, July 16th, 2013

Yup, three for three on the pants.

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Tuesday, July 9th, 2013

After this world, maybe we can find a way to set these games up in an arcade in town.

[Her Neville]
I went to look for you earlier but couldn't find you. So I thought this might be the next best thing! Was wondering if you'd chosen a door, and if you hadn't if you wanted to head to the pub tonight.

I don't know if I'm participating in this one. The last few weeks without anything, I don't know I guess they sort of started feeling normal. And I remember some of these games from when I was younger. I should tell you about my neighbor who was obsessed with Tetris...

How are you doing? Have you started getting to know them better? I can't tell you how happy I am for you that both your mum and your dad are here.

Part of me thinks that this bit of normal has been theraputic. You know I've woken up the last few weeks and haven't even thought about where I stashed the fake gun they gave me the night before?
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Alright... I'm not sure where I am, but I'm watching a monkey throw barrels at what I think is a porn star while I'm standing on a platform in a dress that really needs alterations.

Is that all I'm supposed to do? Stand here until the moustached porn star in red gets up here? ...that has disturbing implications.
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Monday, July 8th, 2013

Weasley Family (All Worlds, includes in-laws, kids, etc)
So, hello. I'm Ron Weasley. I'm from the UWN. Met a couple of you already, but I gather there's a bunch of us here, which isn't new, but the part with all of us being from different worlds and times is. Anyway, I'm still figuring this mess place out, but I figure a general hello was overdue.

Hermione and Dennis Crouch
Cut for Length )

Colin Creevey, Hermione Granger*
Cut for Length )

*ooc: Ron thinks this ward is specific enough that HermioneUWN shouldn’t be able to read it. In the interest of getting the drama ball rolling early, let’s say he didn’t quite ward it right. ;)
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Juniper Rose Lupin.
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For God's sake, where are the hard games? At least beating them more than once is interesting with the element of not playing just the protagonist, but I grew up on these games, people. These can all be beaten pretty quickly, and I haven't even checked the cheat codes!

I haven't tried teams yet, either. Hannah?
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[ Jamie ]

Wish me luck?

[ Added later ]

I was wrong, you do exist in another world. Where you're my dad's age. So, not you, but a James Black, Sirius' son. [ ... ]

[ Ronuwn ]

Do [ ... ] Is wizards chess a thing in your world?
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Sunday, July 7th, 2013

I don't really understand this one bit but I climbed into what I can only imagine is a portrayal of an automobile from one of these 'other worlds' and proceeded to crash at least two dozen times. Yet it just kept letting me go and try again.

It was awesome.

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Something I'm not entirely unfamiliar with...
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Well, this is [...] cute.

And by cute, I mean what the fuck is this?
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A wizard has given me a sword ... well that at least is familiar.
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...I've seen this before. In one of [Dudley]'s video games from when we were younger.
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