Monday, July 15th, 2013


That was a lovely run. And now that I'm sufficiently sweaty and disgusting....

I think I'll go hug my sister.
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It's amazing the things you are privy to as an adult that you were completely oblivious about as a child. The same is true here or back home, but the change is much more abrupt here.

The best teacher is experience and not through someone's distorted point of view
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No place like home.

Things Hestia has learned:
- She likes The Weird Sisters. Ace blokes.
- One hot dog is enough. No more eating competitions.
- New York City really never sleeps.

...should really start making a bucket list.
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    I don

    I owe you an apology.
I went swimming in a lake today for the first and last time. Talk about disgusting.
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Saturday, July 13th, 2013

I'm becoming quite the thrill seeker, I'd like to think. What activity should I try next?
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I don't recommend the frog game. Not even a little bit.
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Friday, July 12th, 2013

I have a stomach ache.
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Tuesday, July 9th, 2013

I might have an idea...

Also I might be willing to try one of these games. I think I might ask what they are so I can see if I want to try certain ones.

Can someone explain these games to me?
(58 comments | Leave a comment)

Who gave the sun permission to be so bright? Where's the fucking light switch to turn the son of a bitch off?
(18 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, July 8th, 2013

Alright. I've got the wood piled up, and as soon as I get this ukulele tuned, there will be some tunes flowing. Which of you lovely ladies people would like to have a little bonfire?
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Weasley Family (All Worlds, includes in-laws, kids, etc)
So, hello. I'm Ron Weasley. I'm from the UWN. Met a couple of you already, but I gather there's a bunch of us here, which isn't new, but the part with all of us being from different worlds and times is. Anyway, I'm still figuring this mess place out, but I figure a general hello was overdue.

Hermione and Dennis Crouch
Cut for Length )

Colin Creevey, Hermione Granger*
Cut for Length )

*ooc: Ron thinks this ward is specific enough that HermioneUWN shouldn’t be able to read it. In the interest of getting the drama ball rolling early, let’s say he didn’t quite ward it right. ;)
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I would very much love to go back here one day.

Thank you, for the bike ride. I had fun. I don't know if you could tell, but last night wasn't going very well before you invited me out. It was very kind of you.

Do you know anything about the other games?
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I do not like these games.

    Are you alright, dear?
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I took a wrong turn, went through the wrong door, and ended up behind the controls of a space ship!

It was exhilarating!
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Sunday, July 7th, 2013


I'm Raphael. I need a Leonardo, Michaelangelo, and Donatello. Who wants to play?

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I don't understand this place.
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[ ... ] It takes less time than you think to get to America when you're determined.
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[...] guys are planning my welcome home party, right?
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This is the compound I have grown to know.  I felt like I would never hear that ticking again.

Buckle in, this may be a bumpy ride.
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