Monday, July 8th, 2013

Wow. This is, not something I expected for today. I guess there's some comfort in knowing I won't be missed back home.

I'm Justin Finch-Fletchley, I was here before, and I have three coffees that should still be hot for the next half hour or so if anyone wants one. One Americano, one half-caff soy macchiato, and a cafe au lait.
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Sunday, July 7th, 2013

This is the compound I have grown to know.  I felt like I would never hear that ticking again.

Buckle in, this may be a bumpy ride.
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Bloody hell!  I leave for a little while and come back to ticking.  Is this the flip stuff the pamphlet was talking about? 

Anyone miss me?  How long has it been anyway?
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I guess this is what I get for feeling bored and longing for a flip again. If we get a bad flip, I am sorry. I will miss my flat. I do hope we come back here at some point.

Everyone collect whatever you wish to keep. We have some time before we go.
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Tuesday, July 2nd, 2013

[Abe Macnair]

I could use some Abe cuddling and all that romantic jazz.  I need to cheer myself up and who better than you?

And I wanted to tell you how sorry I am I leave you all alone.  I am really sorry bout that.

[/End Private]

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Monday, July 1st, 2013

so what if we all are just like dreaming and none of this is happening
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I realize what I was told after finding myself in the not-hospital wing, but I'm having some problems coming to terms with this... I know that the Room of Requirement gives you whatever you need, but isn't this a bit of a stretch even for it, isn't it? This isn't what I needed at all. And the way it's been explained to me this seems far fetched, even for Hogwarts, in fact I'm becoming more and more certain this is a Death Eater plot.

My name is Frank Longbottom. I'm the Defense professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and I'd very much like some answers that make sense if that isn't asking too much... Alice is going to kill me...
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Sunday, June 30th, 2013

So they told me this book was for communication. Looks like a journal to me. How does a book communicate?

Looks like England. Smells like England. I bet I'm in fucking England. Great. Aloha.
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Saturday, June 29th, 2013

[Private to Daphne]

Hello lovely flatmate of mine!  I wanted to check in and see if everything was okay.  You told me you were going to be away for a bit and I wanted to see if you are still alright?  I was a bit worried about you when I read that message.  If you or your friends need anything, let me know, yeah?
[/end private]

Hello everyone!

Anyways, I have been bored lately so I picked up this nice acoustic guitar and I have been playing around with it but I am not so good.  Any of the musically inclined wish to give me a few lessons?  I also took a picture of myself from the other day because I felt like it.  How do I look?  Like the total novice I know I am? HA!

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Sunday, June 23rd, 2013

Hexed Private

Every day that goes by I keep hoping that one of my friends shows up.  I can't be too demanding, but it gets tough and lonely.  I have been doing my best to be positive and make friends, but I can't help but feel like I am intruding on other people's friendships at times.  It would be nice if at least one person I was friends with would show up.  Michael Corner. Marietta, my Padma, Terry, Anthony, the list goes on. 

I miss all of them so much.  I even get jealous when people talk about missing their loved ones that left this place.  They are so lucky to even have them here at all.  Not all of us are that lucky.  I would do anything to have one of my loved ones here for just one day.

I know how selfish I sound right now.  I am not a bad person for thinking that way, right?

End private

It seems like more people left again yesterday.  I am noticing more people leaving than are showing up or that could be just me?

Oh and by the way, when will anything come of the Department heads we signed up for?  I just remembered that this morning and had to ask it.
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Sunday, June 16th, 2013

You know how they say the men in white coats might show up and take you away? I never fucking thought that actually happened. And yet, here we fucking are. This is bullshit. Yeah, I read the pamphlet. We're in some sort of weird futuristic Orwellian nightmare, and apparently I have some bird with my basic DNA running around pretending she's me with tits. I actually believe that. Weirder things have happened lately. But you could have at least let me fix my flat first. I'm not getting my fucking deposit back, that's for fucking sure.

Do you think you can get burn stains off the ceiling? I'm not a handyman. Thanks, Death Eater fucks. And why did you have to bring my cat? The photos - I get, that's nice, thanks for the memories. But Eddie is an old grumpy bastard. I would've rather left him with my mum. Look at this face. He hates it here.

So, yeah. Dorian Meadowes. Nice to meet all of you and shit.
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Friday, June 14th, 2013

Has anyone been keeping a list of what's in progress? I've heard talk about a pub, a library, a law enforcement department, a newspaper, a clinic/petting zoo, and things in the entertainment industry, but I think we should have some place where we can keep this organized. This would allow people to reference the information in case they're interested in a particular niche in the community and want to find others who are as well.

Also, I'm sorry if I forgot something that's in progress, but feel free to leave a note here about it.
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Tuesday, June 11th, 2013

So, am I supposed to get a job or something. I've never had a job. I don't even know what I'd do.

I can cook, so... Is there a restaurant that needs a chef?
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I know we have not spoken much if it all, but I still wanted to wish Dora a Happy Birthday!!  I would bake you a cake, but I would probably blow up my kitchen. I can make passable chocolate chip biscuits though.

Also, Teddy, would you be opposed to getting a little puppy? I saw an adorable English Bulldog puppy that I had to have.  I miss my dogs back home and he looks almost like my bulldog. Please?!
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Sunday, June 9th, 2013

Well, this has been a very eventful day or two.  I am sorry for all those who lost loved ones. I hope for your sakes they all return quickly. 

I have also noticed the flyers placed all over town about the Ministry sign ups.  I signed up for the Head of Magical Games and Sports because there will be professional quidditch here if I have to start it myself!! I would really love some help but if I have to do it by myself I will because I want to see quidditch here.

Anyways, I wanted to put out a noticed to all those who have lost flatmates and don't want to live alone, I STILL have a free room and would love a roommate.  I have considered getting a little cat or dog to keep my company here if I don't find a roommate. 
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Okay, well that was so quick I feel like I got whiplash.  How nice of you freaks to let me see the last five more seconds of my life.  At least I got one more hit in at the end.

Anyways, this does not look like Christmas world.  Did the world change in the five seconds I was gone? 

Frank? James? Anyone care to explain what is going on!
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Why?  Why did Alpha have to take both of my best mates.  BOTH Ernie and Justin?!  Really?

You couldn't have left one of them with me?  Now our home we shared feels so utterly empty.  I didn't care that Justin was from another world. He was still Justin and we were still best mates.

All I want to do now is visit the bar and have a drink or two.  I just feel sad and drinking can help me forget how sad and lonely I am all of a sudden.
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Thursday, June 6th, 2013

Tick tock, everyone.

[Warded to everyone who responded here and anyone else interested in law enforcement]
If you're still interested, I'm going to start training tomorrow morning. I've had enough of all of this talk, no action, so show up of you're willing so we can get to work.
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Tuesday, June 4th, 2013

I want to learn to play Quidditch. Currently, I know how to fly. I do this for almost one year. I want to learn Quidditch also, because it is thing other Viktors do. Flying greatly appeals to me. I think maybe there are things that appeal to all versions of person, and I think maybe this is my thing, so learning Quidditch, I think, will be good. Will someone like to teach me? Maybe there are others who also will like to learn?
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Sunday, June 2nd, 2013

A year later. I didn't have a clue how much I didn't know yet, then. Maybe I still don't.
And in another two months

So does the town have a name? I haven't seen one on any of the signage.
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