Tuesday, July 30th, 2013

Would you believe me if I said I have no idea how old I am?
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Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013

[ Longbottoms ]

We've sorted out that we're staying, yes? And since we are [ ... ] what would you like to do for your birthday next week, love?
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Tuesday, July 9th, 2013

After this world, maybe we can find a way to set these games up in an arcade in town.

[Her Neville]
I went to look for you earlier but couldn't find you. So I thought this might be the next best thing! Was wondering if you'd chosen a door, and if you hadn't if you wanted to head to the pub tonight.

I don't know if I'm participating in this one. The last few weeks without anything, I don't know I guess they sort of started feeling normal. And I remember some of these games from when I was younger. I should tell you about my neighbor who was obsessed with Tetris...

How are you doing? Have you started getting to know them better? I can't tell you how happy I am for you that both your mum and your dad are here.

Part of me thinks that this bit of normal has been theraputic. You know I've woken up the last few weeks and haven't even thought about where I stashed the fake gun they gave me the night before?
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So I've been watching the journals for a bit, trying to get myself acclimated, and I'm guessing these world changes are normal.

Can the same be said for suddenly being pixilated beyond recognition? I really miss having fingers instead of a block hand like this. Not entirely certain how I'm still holding a quill...

I meant to ask this sooner, but I've seen that we have quite a few students here. I was thinking about finding a place to start teaching Defense again. They sent me with my lesson plans. It would be a shame for them to go to waste...

[Alice and Neville]
This particular game seems to be an adventure. Where are the two of you? I was hoping that we might be able to do this together.
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Friday, July 5th, 2013

Who: Neville & Dudleyukr
When: Sometime Friday...afternoonish
Where: The greenhouse
Warnings: Probably none?

Read more... )
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Monday, July 1st, 2013

Both my parents are here. I mean, they aren't mine but they are. They both know who I am and they remember raising me. I'm scared I'll screw it up or I won't be the guy they want to be.

I've been spending time with my mum and she's great but it's so weird and[...] well neither of them know what happened to them in our world. I mean, unless someone else told them but I haven't.
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I realize what I was told after finding myself in the not-hospital wing, but I'm having some problems coming to terms with this... I know that the Room of Requirement gives you whatever you need, but isn't this a bit of a stretch even for it, isn't it? This isn't what I needed at all. And the way it's been explained to me this seems far fetched, even for Hogwarts, in fact I'm becoming more and more certain this is a Death Eater plot.

My name is Frank Longbottom. I'm the Defense professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and I'd very much like some answers that make sense if that isn't asking too much... Alice is going to kill me...
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Saturday, June 22nd, 2013

[ Neville ]

What would you name a sweets shop? And how do you feel about being my Official Taste Tester?
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Tuesday, June 18th, 2013

[ ukr minus dudley ]

What are we doing for Sunday?
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Bakeries are all well and good, but I'm disappointed no one's started a sweet shop yet. I'd volunteer, but I think eating your stock is frowned upon? Please correct me if I'm wrong! And if a taste-testing position opens up, I'm your woman.
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Friday, June 7th, 2013

I know I've been quiet but it's just that I haven't had a greenhouse all to myself in awhile.

That being said, I have loads of extra herbs and things for any potion makers out there.

And anyone is welcome to tend to the plants but you might want to let me know first because some of them are very particular

Warded to Mum
Do you want to spend some time together? Maybe have dinner or something?
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Monday, June 3rd, 2013

There's a difference between home and this place, no matter how much it feels like home. Frank and Nev aren't here, our things aren't here. It's just the shell of home [ ... ]

Alright, I was told this is for communicating with others. Which means there are more than a few of you in a similar situation, being taken from your homes and places of business and ending up here instead? Is this the first day for everyone, or am I the lucky woman who gets to play catchup with the rest of you? No funny business.
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Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013

We're not all flipping at different times to different worlds are we? Because Draco's gone and with the wonky timer, it can't just be a coincidence.
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Monday, April 22nd, 2013

WHO: Regina Blackfgw and Neville Longbottomukr
WHEN: Monday afternoon
WHERE: outside the compound
WHAT: meet and greet
WARNINGS: possible language?

Familiar-ish faces )
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Sunday, April 7th, 2013

Who: Nevilleukr & Harrycan
What: meeting & catching up!
When: after this conversation
Where: Neverland natives-turf
Warnings: TBD

... )
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Tuesday, March 12th, 2013

WHO: Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom - UKR
WHEN: Tuesday late afternoon
WHERE: Home 9
WHAT: Meetups and Strategery
STATUS: incomplete

Harry's note that morning, that there was a hole in the fence and he'd help people through it, had been a miracle. )
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Thursday, March 7th, 2013

Who: Hannah Potter and Neville Longbottom, UKR
What: Bonding, discussions, spraypaint and fliers
When: March 7
Where: Family 9 house
Why: Hannah's seen the entry and seems better to walk next door to talk to him.
Status: Incomplete

She'd seen him before. Not this old, but during her three times living the Battle of Hogwarts. She'd seen him then.  )
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Tuesday, March 13th, 2012

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