Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013

Forcing me to set up your bloody games each year wasn't enough Healy? You had to come up with some new hell to torture me with? I should have known better than to trust you to honor your word and let me live my life
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Who: Regulus Blackthg and Dora Blackthg
What: Finding his baby cousin to go talk to her
When: After this
Where: Near the woods
Warnings: angst?
Status: incomplete

He wasn't sure how much time had past between her win and when she came from. )
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I'd like to see my family if that's allowed.
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Monday, July 15th, 2013

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Thursday, July 11th, 2013

Goodbye. I didn't know you very well, but I guess this is how things go. Someone is always leaving and others still come.

The game with the yellow thing that eats everything is still very strange...
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Monday, July 8th, 2013


Hahahahaha dammit.
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I do not like these games.

    Are you alright, dear?
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two things.

1. where the fuck is regina?
2. why am i dressed like prince peach?

mostly 1.
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Sunday, July 7th, 2013

...Well, that noise doesn't sound ominous at all. What's going on?
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Friday, July 5th, 2013

Who: THG Regulus and THG Walburga
What: Regulus just really needs his mum
When: late Thursday night/early Friday morning
Where: Walburga's room
Warnings: PG for mention of character death in a nightmare?

he still had very vivid nightmares, like he was watching it again in his own head )
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Tuesday, July 2nd, 2013

I may or may not have succeeded in making pasta. I'm not sure. I don't know if I want to eat it to see
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Saturday, June 29th, 2013


[her Regulus & Andromeda]
I don't think either of you noticed, but you looked happy and I liked them. So I thought I'd share them. I hope you don't mind.

Since people seem fond of sharing pictures, I thought I would share a couple that I liked.
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Friday, June 28th, 2013

1. You're a terror.
2. A cupboard? Really? I think you should feel lucky that I am more amenable to your rude behaviour when I've had alcohol. And perhaps other reasons, but...
3. That wasn't fair.
4. My son was outside when I got back.
5. Apparently he smokes. I guess I don't have to hide that anymore.
6. I think perhaps my family should be more careful about suddenly finding a sense of humour. Laughing hurts after a while.
7. I don't know why this is a list, but it is.

I think we may have finally managed a broom that won't kill us.
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Wednesday, June 26th, 2013

    How great is the library selection?
    I've worked out Thursday night for dinner. Does that work for everyone? Bring your appetites!
I went into an odd place today. It was very yellow, and I think the owner was named Donald. It all tasted very [...] peculiar, but the funny clown assured me I'd like it. I wouldn't recommend it.
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Monday, June 24th, 2013


For the record? Lemon squares do not tastes as fabulously delicious coming up as they do going down. Now you all know.

[Regulus (the one she was writing to last night)]
Sooo I'm sorry. I

My name is Astrid Black from the Baby world. Sirius Black is my dad. Molly Weasley is my mum. I opened my journal when I shouldn't have. We had a family drinking party [...] I just. I'm sorry.

Muppets are from a show. I can show you if you want to see.
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Why are people puppets? No, let me rephrase. How are people puppets?
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Sunday, June 23rd, 2013

Another week. Every day I miss my sister more and more. And now there's a new me. Mum's me...

[THG Regulus]
Hi there. I'm Regina. The girl you.

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    With the recent arrival of my cousin, I think it might be lovely if we all got together soon for a dinner party. I will host, cook, and take care of everything. You simply need RSVP here, and I will get back together with a date that suits us all.
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Saturday, June 22nd, 2013

Hello? I think there’s been some mistake, and I’m really not sure exactly how I wound up here. Wherever here is, anyway. Is this the Capitol? No, not over the top enough. But where else would a scientist be? If it’s all the same to you, I’d really like to go home, before my parents notice I’m gone and wonder what happened to me. They’ve already....

It’s probably not important to you. But whatever I need to do, please. Just let me know and I’ll do it.
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