Tuesday, June 11th, 2013


(1a) How often do people disappear - leave - here are people sent home?
(1b) How often are people brought here?
(2) Has a pattern been worked out for their arrivals and departures or is all just whimsical?
(3) Are people brought here/sent home for any particular reason?
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Sunday, June 9th, 2013

booze & biscuits for anyone who needs em.

Now who wants to take me on a date?

added later
I'm mad at you now.
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Well. I'm definitely not in London anymore. Maybe? I don't know. This looks like a village, not a compound. Can anyone see this? I'm pretty sure a homeless person chloroformed me, dragged me into some back alley clinic, and tried to convince me I've been kidnapped to live as a lab rat by a group of mad scientists. They, of course, counted themselves among the latter regime of dastardly brains, tasked with poking and prodding the puny humans to discern what makes them tick. Now, that being said, I would totally discount it if London wasn't (a) not London, and (b) so bloody empty. Seriously. Where is everyone? And everything? The streets aren't the same, nor are the buildings, ergo this is not London. Ergo, where have I been kidnapped to? Please don't say compound run by mad scientists. Please.

P.S. Where's Gamma Block? Is it a street? I have a flat you know. It's on NOT Gamma Black.
P.P.S. Can someone contact my Editor and tell him that his most favorite and efficient junior photographer, Prudence Creevey, has been kidnapped in the name of SCIENCE?
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