Wednesday, July 24th, 2013

Warded to: Janie Potter
I am going to marry Arthur Pendragon. One day. This is the day I've decided. I know it, Janie. And you had better be my maid of honor when I do so.
Warded to: Capitaine Epsilon... Richard
I don't know if you can still read everything here. You were doing that, don't say otherwise. But I am going to marry Arthur Pendragon. I would have stayed, even if he chose to leave, but I get to stay and not have the heartache.
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I suppose we haven't really spoken of it, have we? I suppose in person would be better, yet I feel the need to put this in writing.

I wish to remain here, with you. For as long as you are here, and desirous of my companionship, I will forgo my return to Britain. After all, it was prophesied I would return after death, for a great need, and I can think of no greater cause than love. This once, I choose to be the man first, not the king. My heart, my sword, my estate, and my fealty are yours, for so'er long as you shall have them.
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Monday, July 15th, 2013

I would like to introduce myself to you all.

But especially you.
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Sunday, July 14th, 2013

Sooo. Hey.
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Saturday, July 13th, 2013

Mr. Pacman is downright my favorite of the games. I've gotten very good at running around eating all the dots and timing when I turn the ghosts, so that I can catch as many of them as I can. I think I reached level twenty today. I am all worn out, all worn out. But don't worry, capitaine, I'll do some stretches now before I collapse into an armchair and call it a day and appreciate the wonders of leftovers meant purely for a day like today, and I don't think I like the sight of periods right now because they're too reminiscent of those dots. I'm not sure I can eat anything else for a while. Was there nutritional value to them? To the giant floating pieces of fruit? So people, how are you today? I'm just going to stay right here because apparently the splits are comfortable.
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Friday, July 12th, 2013

i always liked new york. its been real good to us this time too.

kate i found two other places who said they had the best strawberry jam in the city so we ought go to both tomorrow i think to test against the others, yeah?
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Wednesday, July 10th, 2013


Kind of hard to enjoy these games with everything else going on.

Should really take on Molly's role in this whole baking business.

Ice cream?
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Tuesday, July 2nd, 2013

I'm going on a trip!

✓ Four skirts
✓ Two tank tops
✓ Three blouses
✓ Three dresses
✓ Four sets of heels
✓ Two sets of sandals
✓ Two bikinis
✓ Two sets of sunglasses
✓ Three necklaces
✓ Five sets of earrings
✓ Three necklaces
✓ One jacket
✓ One sweater
✓ One scarf

Warded to Arthur Pendragon
✓ Three pairs of stockings
✓ Six sets of lingerie
Okay, the basics are packed, for clothes.
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Sunday, June 30th, 2013

Delivery: Arthur Pendragon


On the dining room table that evening, with only xoxoxoxo on the note.
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Sunday, June 23rd, 2013

Most peculiar.

[...] This city of Las Vegas is in America, correct?
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Saturday, June 22nd, 2013

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Many people still leave, and it's painful. It hurts, and it should hurt, and as a member of one of the extended families across this place, I have conflicting feelings on it. I am going to be affected when people leave (and conversely I know people would be affected if I leave). Still, I do not wish to spend all of my time here miserable, or else it isn't worth it here, and I don't want anyone else to be miserable, as much as that is possible. As such, I've been thinking about what I want to happen if I leave (Capitaine, by no means should that be interpreted as wanting to leave).

It feels like death, if I leave and return home. I have met so many people here I could never meet back home from my world and others. Albus, I could never have pictured you as a boy before here, but we are as two of a kind as we ever have been. I've fallen in love with one of the most wonderful men in all the worlds. I am biased in that as I should be. I have had tastes of what other worlds were like, of that strange way it's like in patriarchal worlds, in living children's tales, and fighting zombies. I am not the woman I was coming here, and I like the woman I have become. And she, I, will be no more, if I leave.

I want a funeral, if I leave. I want an empty casket, a chance for each of you to say goodbye, and for one of you - but only one - to punch Capitaine Epsilon in the face for allowing me to leave. It can be a chance to cry and mourn, as everyone deserves when they lose someone.

I want a party. After the funeral, I want the reception to be a party. There should be music and food and no one should worry about calories or healthiness or overeating or overdrinking. People should tell stories of things that happened here, of memories, of the good times. I want everyone to have those memories and remember them not entirely tinged with sadness. I want you to divide my things as you wish. The cottage is as much Arthur's as mine, if we're still here, and no one should try to take it from him. But Janie, Mini, the rest of you, I have a very large closet here, and you should all be dressed fabulously in my absence.

Even if I leave here and I die, even if I lose any one of you whom I love and am glad to meet, I am glad to be here and to have come here. It is better to have lived and loved than never loved at all. This may not be true for each of you, dependent upon who leaves and what they return to, but these are the thoughts I have, how I feel, and what I want.

What do you want?
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Sunday, June 9th, 2013

Epsilon Block
I have finished the set up of my own quarters in our little community. When I am not inside the compound, I will be likely in my home, which is situated not far from the grounds of the compound. Epsilon House is large enough to accommodate any of my block whom do not wish to live alone. If you would prefer to live with company, the invitation is open, and simply let me know that you would like to.

Don't mind Mo, he's as gentle as a lamb.

As for my office hours, they will be in need of revision. My days are rather booked during the daytime hours but I will now be holding office hours from 4pm to 7pm, generally in my study, at Epsilon House. You may reach me anytime via journal as well but I am scheduling those hours in the day for any business pertaining to our block.

And, as many have wondered, I will be once again doing my morning regiment at 6am every morning.

To those who lost someone with the recent departures, I offer my condolences. Truly, I do.
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Has anyone seen Janie? I've been trying to reach her, to no response.
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Friday, June 7th, 2013

Warded to: Janie Potter
Long )

Warded to: Captain Epsilon
Where have you been, capitaine? I have been rising early to exercise, and you are not to be seen. I assume you can read my letter to Janie. And I mean it. I'm not the same woman, and I don't want to go back and lose everything I've become here, these experiences, these people. If Alpha means to get rid of me, don't let me die. That's what going back would mean.
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Saturday, June 1st, 2013

[swap Weasleys]
Wil Weasley calling for a Weasleypile intervention. In which you all smother me with affection so I don't punch someone in the face. My face hurts from all these grumpy expressions.

You may or may not be called upon to smack me across the face.

I am quite clearly a very graceful person. Don't let the bruises fool you. Very graceful.
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I am working an Gringotts, now that there is no one to tell me what job I can and cannot aspire to. Mostly accounting goes behind the scene for customers, but I would also like to offer financial planning assistance. We have been living in the compound for some time, for some people over a year, and we are certainly not used to having to make and keep budgets based on income. This is much easier seeing as we do not seem to pay rent, but food and other goods can really add up quite quickly. So please, do not hesitate to ask me for help. We can personalize it based on what you find important and the income you are earning. I have years of experience with setting budgets, and I will judge no one for what they like to spend their money on.
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Friday, May 31st, 2013

Warded to Louise

big picture of a ruined castle )

This is where I grew up, or what remains of it. It's not inhabitable in its current shape, of course, but I did not expect to find it here at all, since by rights it ought to be in Wales.
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Thursday, May 30th, 2013

Baby World Teens and Kids

I'm old so this might be weird especially since we're all coming from different times and some of you may know that I left the wizarding world after I got out of Hogwarts or just may not know me as I am now but shit, I get it. Maybe not the same way, but I get the whole being angry and mad at family because I am basically walking around pissed off at family all the time for pretty damned valid reasons, so your reasons are valid too, no matter what anyone says.

So yeah, if you need something from me, just let me know because there's a lot of shit wrong with this place and nothing anyone can do to fix it but that doesn't mean we can't yell, scream, kick, or whatever together.

And if you don't need anything from me or just don't want to bother with me, that's fine too.
End Ward

Anyone needs a personal trainer? Not sure what else I could do honestly.

I can teach you how to do this:

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