Sunday, July 21st, 2013

Nice day.

Ward to Vee
So, I'm actually starting to think that the catch is that there isn't one. Pinch me so I know I'm not just dreaming all this?

Ward to Arayna, Abby and Siri
So I could use some sisterly advice.
big sparkly rock )
I picked it up back in the Valentine's world ... now I'm worried it's too busy. Is it too busy?

I'm not sure when yet. Probably not until after my birthday's out of the way.
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Monday, July 15th, 2013

Has it really been over a year?

Happy birthday, Daniel. I'm sorry I wasn't there when you woke up, but I tried to make you french toast for breakfast. OOps It's edible, I promise, but it isn't half as good as yours.

I love you.
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Wednesday, July 10th, 2013


Kind of hard to enjoy these games with everything else going on.

Should really take on Molly's role in this whole baking business.

Ice cream?
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Wednesday, June 26th, 2013

I'm so tired, Abby.
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Has anyone seen Harry from my world? Where is my son?
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Sunday, June 23rd, 2013

I'm going to make a picnic for today. My Uncle Peter was helping me find ways to be happy here, and it's too beautiful of a day not to celebrate the time our loved ones had with us before they were returned home. Anyone is welcome to join me, and I'll have some sandwiches, thermoses of tea, and some other snacks if anyone cares to join me.

WARDED TO LILYblood and knap
I know it hurts, and I just wanted to tell you that I love you so very much.
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Saturday, June 22nd, 2013


Not the way I wanted to wake up.
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[her sirius]
I need you.
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Friday, June 14th, 2013

Has anyone been keeping a list of what's in progress? I've heard talk about a pub, a library, a law enforcement department, a newspaper, a clinic/petting zoo, and things in the entertainment industry, but I think we should have some place where we can keep this organized. This would allow people to reference the information in case they're interested in a particular niche in the community and want to find others who are as well.

Also, I'm sorry if I forgot something that's in progress, but feel free to leave a note here about it.
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Thursday, May 30th, 2013

Baby World Teens and Kids

I'm old so this might be weird especially since we're all coming from different times and some of you may know that I left the wizarding world after I got out of Hogwarts or just may not know me as I am now but shit, I get it. Maybe not the same way, but I get the whole being angry and mad at family because I am basically walking around pissed off at family all the time for pretty damned valid reasons, so your reasons are valid too, no matter what anyone says.

So yeah, if you need something from me, just let me know because there's a lot of shit wrong with this place and nothing anyone can do to fix it but that doesn't mean we can't yell, scream, kick, or whatever together.

And if you don't need anything from me or just don't want to bother with me, that's fine too.
End Ward

Anyone needs a personal trainer? Not sure what else I could do honestly.

I can teach you how to do this:

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Wednesday, May 29th, 2013

Okayokayokaaaaay so my flat is here but so is the house from Godric's Hollow aaaaaand I gotta say, I'm kinda digging the idea of taking the house. Because Mum&Daddy could totes show up and I wouldn't want anyone else taking it?

So yeah. If anyone needs a place to crash, the house is, like, pretty amazeballs.
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Daniel? Do you want Is is proper for us to It's not like he hasn't seen Merlin We need to go house-hunting.
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Thursday, May 23rd, 2013

I'm sure there's a logical reason behind all of this.

Warded to Family
Is everyone still here?
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Wednesday, April 24th, 2013

Who: Harrylove & Abbybaby
When: Wednesday, 24 April; Afternoon
Where: Somewhere off Compound~
What: Sibling time! ♥
Warnings: None!

No matter how happy the good things made him, he'd never pretend like the rest had never happened. )
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Saturday, January 12th, 2013

Who: Kate & Abbybaby
Where: Compound to start?
When: Friday afternoon
What: Cheer up emokid.
Warnings: None?

She was here now, so she didn't see the point in not making an adventure of it. )
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Wednesday, December 5th, 2012

Who: Ceci and Abby
What: Having "girl time"
Where: The Lodge
When: Now
Status/Rating: In-progress/SFW

... )
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Wednesday, November 14th, 2012

Who: Dean Pettigrew & Abigail Potterbaby
When: Wed. Afternoon
Where: On the beach/in the water...maybe
What: Dean tries to convince Abby to go swimming!
Rating/status: Low, in progress

Read more... )
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Tuesday, October 30th, 2012

Left in front of Molly Black's unit in the morning )
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Monday, October 22nd, 2012

[Left for Abigail outside of her door in Pie block.]

This and an orange sweater, transfigured from the scrubs she was wearing when she was pulled to the compound most recently.
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Friday, September 14th, 2012

Who: Jamesknap and Abbybaby
When: After the second task!
Where: The Kitchens
What: Some alternate father/daughter time!
Rating: Loooow

Read more... )
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