Saturday, June 22nd, 2013

Saturday. Another day to hope you'll be back. Another day to wish I could sleep through.

We keep losing. I have to wonder if we're going to win again at some point. But don't trouble yourself. It's not your fault. I made it through before. I can again. I'll just focus elsewhere. You're everywhere It is selfish to ask for you to come back, but I think I might be able to live with that. Maybe. Just maybe. Perhaps it is kinder to ask for Charlie and Victorien to come back instead. Perhaps that is the best course.

I have every intention of spending the day in the library should anyone go looking for me. I may forget to eat [ooc: crossed out after jsp's comment] I'll make sure to eat. Don't worry.

Added in later...

Any books anyone wants?
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Friday, June 21st, 2013

Since the pub is having its grand opening, this only means one thing.

I am challenging both of my fathers and uncle to a drinking match. If you don't show up, you forfeit for being scared.


We haven't talked much, but you seem like an alright bloke. I'd share a drink with you if you'd let me.

And no, I am not hitting on you.
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Thursday, June 20th, 2013

Ladies and gentlemen and everyone else, never doubt my commitment to demented impulse purchases.

Meet Veronica.
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Sunday, June 16th, 2013

Warded to Regen World
I'm making dinner for everyone. There's no getting around it, you are all coming.

If anyone has any allergies, please let me know okay?
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And I thought I had shitty timing.
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